towify-data-engine v0.0.98
if you want use TowifyDataEngine in your project, first you should prepare apiUrl and resourceUrl to init TowifyDataEngine:
import {TowifyDataEngine} from 'towify-data-engine';
const dataEngine = new TowifyDataEngine({
apiUrl: '',
resourceUrl: '',
token: '',
projectId: ''
after login \ register you must update token and after create \ change project you must update projectId
if you want upload file, you can user uplader in TowifyDataEngine
upload file:
uploadFile(params: { file: File, fileName?: string }): FileUploaderInterface;
// eg
start: event => {
// upload file start
progress: progress => {
// upload file progress
complete: result => {
// upload file complete
err: error => {
// upload file error
mange update installed data eg: installed kit
check total api update status
checkTotalApiUpdateStatusByMd5s(): Promise<boolean>;
// eg
.then(result => {
// update complete
}, error => {
// update error
if you want manage you project, you can use project in TowifyDataEngine to manage project
get project image
getProjectImageList(params: {
// get project image cout
count: number,
// current page index
pageIndex: number,
// order by, default createdAt
orderBy?: OrderType,
// sort by, default Desc
sortBy?: SortType
}): Promise<ImageItem[]>;
// eg
count: 10,
pageIndex: 0
}).then(result => {
// get image file list success
}, error => {
// get image file list error
delete file by key
deleteFileByKey(key: string): Promise<Boolean>;
// eg
.then(result => {
// delete file success
}, error => {
// delete file error
if you want mange you kit, you can use kit in TowifyDataEngine to manage kit, In kit controller have local and store, store is manage kit store function ,local is mange kit local function
if you want to use the 'kit' manager in the dataEngine, you must set kitType first ,or it will throw exception.
kit store
if you want get store kit info , you can use kit store function
get store kit list
import { PageSizeType } from "./common.type";
// PageSizeType: small\medium\large
getList(pageSizeType: PageSizeType): SubscriptionInterface<KitModel[]>;
// eg
// don't forget to setKitType first.
.subscribe(result => {
// back new kit list from service
}, error => {
// get kit list error
// load more
.subscribe(result => {
// back new kit list from service
}, error => {
// get kit list error
get store installed kit list
import { PageSizeType } from "./common.type";
// PageSizeType: small\medium\large
getInstalledList(pageSizeType: PageSizeType): SubscriptionInterface<KitModel[]>;
// eg
.subscribe(result => {
// get kit item list success
}, error => {
// get kit item list error
// load more
.subscribe(result => {
// back new kit list from service
}, error => {
// get kit list error
set preview kit
if you want get store kit detail, you should set previewKit first
setPreviewKit(kit: KitModel): void;
// eg
get store kit preview list
after set preview kit, you can use getPreviewList function get kit preview icon list from service
getPreviewList(count: number): SubscriptionInterface<{ name: string, url: string }[]>;
// eg
.subscribe((result) => {
}, (error) => {
// load more
.subscribe(result => {
// back new kit list from service
}, error => {
// get kit list error
install kit
after set preview kit, you can use install function install kit from service to local
install(): ProgressSubscriptionInterface<boolean>;
// eg
complete: result => {
// install complete
progress: progress => {
// install progress
start: event => {
// install start
err: error => {
// install error
uninstall kit
after set preview kit, you can use uninstall function remove local kit data
uninstall(): Promise<boolean>;
// eg
.then(result => {
// uninstall success
}, error => {
// uninstall error
kit local
if you want get local kit info, you can ust kit local function
import { PageSizeType } from "./common.type";
// PageSizeType: small\medium\large
getList(pageSizeType: PageSizeType): SubscriptionInterface<{ id: string, name: string }[]>;
// eg
.subscribe((result) => {
// back new kit list from local
}, (error) => {
// get kit list error
// load more
.subscribe((result) => {
// back new kit list from local
}, (error) => {
// get kit list error
set preview kit
if you want get local kit detail, you should set previewKit first if local kit is broken(delete or uninstalled), call setPreviewKitById function will download and install this kit first
setPreviewKitById(kitId: string): Promise<boolean>;
// eg
.then((result) => {
// set preview kit success
}, (error) => {
// set preview kit error
get kit category and style list
after set preview kit, you can get preview kit category and style list
categoryList: { id: string, name: string }[];
styleList: { id: string, name: string }[];
// eg
get kit icon list
after set preview kit, you can get preview kit icon list by category id and style id if you don't set category id and style id, back icon list belong first category and first style
getList(params: {
categoryId?: string,
styleId?: string
}): Promise<KitIconModel[]>;
// eg
categoryId: '5fa0d04bc0a03b6ce9b9dc3c',
styleId: '5fa0e565c0a03b6ce9b9dc4d'
.then((result) => {
}, (error) => {
custom font
if you want upload a custom font, you can use kit custom function.
attention: you should call "setKitType" and set "KitType.FontKit" first.
upload custom font
upload(fontFile: File): ProgressSubscriptionInterface<boolean>;
// eg
complete: result => {
// upload result: true or false
progress: progress => {
// upload progress
err: error => {
// upload error
get custom font list from local
this method return the local data, not server data
getList(pageSize: number): SubscriptionInterface<KitCustomFontModel[]>;
// eg
// get the list from page 0
// get the result
// get the error
// get more list
// get next page result
// get the error
set polling interval and repeatCount
to configure the interval and repeatCount when polling server for upload state.
interval: number,
repeatCount: number
): FontKitCustomManagerInterface;
synchronize custom font
synchronize(): ProgressSubscriptionInterface<boolean>;
complete: result => {
// install result: true or false
progress: progress => {
// install progress
err: error => {
// install error
if you want to login or get user information, you can use 'user' in TowifyDataEngine.
get SMS Code:
getSMSCodeByPhone(phone: string): Promise<boolean>;
result => {
// judge the 'result' is true or false
error => {
register by phone:
registerByPhone(params: {
phone: string;
password: string;
confirmedPassword: string;
code: string;
}): Promise< { success: boolean; message: string } >;
phone: '15510481046',
password: '111111',
confirmedPassword: '111111',
smsCode: '2275'
result => {
// judge the 'result.success' is true or false
// if 'result.success' is false, check 'result.message' to get information
error => {
login by phone:
phone: string,
password: string
): Promise<{
success: boolean;
message: string
result => {
// judge the 'result.success' is true or false
// if 'result.success' is false, check 'result.message' to get information
error => {
login by SMS code:
phone: string,
SMSCode: string
): Promise<{
success: boolean;
message: string
result => {
// judge the 'result.success' is true or false
// if 'result.success' is false, check 'result.message' to get information
error => {
update password:
password: string,
confirmedPassword: string
): Promise<{ success: boolean; message: string }>;
result => {
// judge the 'result.success' is true or false
// if 'result.success' is false, check 'result.message' to get information
error => {
get user information:
getUserInformation(): Promise<UserModel>;
result => {
// result is a list about users
error => {
get current token:
// after login, you will get token
update user information:
updateUserInformation(params: UserUpdateKey): Promise<{
success: boolean;
message: string
result => {
// judge the 'result.success' is true or false
// if 'result.success' is false, check 'result.message' to get information
error => {
register by email:
registerByEmail(email: string, password: string): Promise< {
success: boolean;
message: string
} >;
result => {
// judge the 'result.success' is true or false
// if 'result.success' is false, check 'result.message' to get information
error => {
confirm email:
confirmEmail(email: string, code: string): Promise< {
success: boolean;
message: string
} >;
result => {
// judge the 'result.success' is true or false
// if 'result.success' is false, check 'result.message' to get information
error => {
resend email code:
resendEmailCode(email: string): Promise<boolean>;
result => {
// judge the 'result' is true or false
error => {
login by email:
loginByEmail(email: string, password: string): Promise<{
success: boolean;
message: string
result => {
// judge the 'result.success' is true or false
// if 'result.success' is false, check 'result.message' to get information
error => {
if you want operate about wechat, for example do login by wechat, you can use "wechat" in TowifyDataEngine.
getQRCode(): Promise<{ success: boolean; codeUrl:string; message: string }>;
result => {
// judge the 'result.success' is true or false
// if 'result.success' is false, check 'result.message' to get information
// if 'result.success' is true, get the codeImageUrl from 'result.codeUrl'
error => {
startPollingForLoginState(interval: number, repeatCount?: number): Promise<{ success: boolean; message: string }>;
result => {
// callback happen and the polling timer stop when :
// 1、login succeed
// 2、reach the limit about repeat count which you set or default
// 3、network service error
// 4、manual stop polling by the API
error => {
stopPollingForLoginState(): boolean;
checkLoginState(): Promise<{ success: boolean; message: string }>;
result => {
// judge the 'result.success' is true or false
// if 'result.success' is false, check 'result.message' to get information
error => {
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