1.0.1 • Published 3 years ago
tpl-mk v1.0.1
#this is a cli fast to create .vue file and import in router auto
# install
npm install -g tpl-mk
# run
switch terminal work path same with the path of package.json of project.
# check version
tpl-mk -version
# get help
tpl-mk -h
# src/components、src/components、src/router/index.js must be exists first
#create test.vue file in src/components/,the final path is src/components/test/test.vue
tpl-mk -c=test
#create test.vue file in src/views/,the final path is src/views/test/test.vue
tpl-mk -v=test
#create test.js file in src/api/,the final path is src/api/test.js
tpl-mk -r=test
#create above files
tpl-mk -a=test