0.3.0 • Published 5 years ago

tramway-connection-mongodb v0.3.0

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5 years ago

Tramway MongoProvider is a simple Provider add-on to simplify the process of implementing calls to mongodb databases and provides an async/await wrapper on the mongodb module.


  1. npm install tramway-connection-mongodb --save

Example project



Recommended Folder Structure in addition to Tramway

  • config
  • providers
  • repositories
  • entities


The MongoProvider is a derived Provider which follows the same interface.

Configuration parameters

hoststringnolocalhostThe host of your mongodb database
databasestringyesThe name of the default database to connect to
portnumberno27017The port for the database
usernamestringnoThe connection username for the database
passwordstringnoThe connection password for the database
hostsarray: {host: string, port: number}noThe connection password for the database
optionsObjectnoOptions object that would be passed to Mongo at connection time
sslboolnofalseDetermines if the connection protocol should enforce ssl via mongodb+srv://

Getting started

It is recommended to make a config file with the core mongodb configuration and make an extension class to handle it before injecting that extension class into the Repository to work with the rest of Tramway's built-in features. The alternative to the extension class is calling the config parameters with the Repository every time the repository is used instead of just importing the provider to the repository.

In your config folder add a 'mongodb' file.


export default {
    "host": "",
    "port": 27017,
    "database": "base",

Note, the same can be achieved using your environment variables and passing the declaration from your instantiated .env to the placeholders in the above example.

To get the most of it, pass the provider to your Repository class.

import MongoProvider, {repositories} from 'tramway-connection-mongodb';
import options from '../config/mongodb.js';

const {MongoRepository} = repositories;

new MongoRepository(new MongoProvider(options), new Factory());

The following can also be easily achieved with dependency injection using tramway-core-dependency-injector.

Exposed Methods with this Library


Note, the extended MongoProvider expects an additional parameter collectionName on most methods. Using the MongoRepository handles this for you. In addition, bulk inserts are possible.

getOne(id: any, collectionName: string)Available
getMany(ids: any[], collectionName: string)Unavailable
get(collectionName: string)Available
find(conditions: string/Object, collectionName: string)Available
has(id: any, collectionName: string)Available
hasThese(ids : any[], collectionName: string)Unavailable
count(conditions: any, collectionName: string)Available
create(item: Entity/Object, collectionName: string)Available
createMany(item: Entity/Object[], collectionName: string)Additional, creates a transaction for bulk inserts
update(id: any, item: Entity/Object, collectionName: string)Available
delete(id: any, collectionName: string)Available
deleteMany(ids : any[], collectionName: string)Unavailable
query(query: string/Object, values: Object)Available


exists(id: any)Usable
getOne(id: any)Usable
create(entity: Entity)Usable
createMany(entities: Entity[])Additional
update(entity: Entity)Usable
delete(id: any)Usable
find(condtions: string/Object)Usable
getMany(ids: any[])Unusable

Advanced Connection Options

For most basic connections, a mongo.js file like this will be sufficient:

export default {
    "host": "",
    "port": 27017,
    "database": "base",

If the basic connection had authentication:

export default {
    "host": "",
    "port": 27017,
    "database": "base",
    "username": "user",
    "password": "password",

However, Mongo can also be set up as a Replica Set or Sharded Cluster.

To connect to a replica set:

export default {
    "database": "base",
    "hosts": [
        {"host": "db0.example.com", "port": 27017},
        {"host": "db1.example.com", "port": 27017},
        {"host": "db2.example.com", "port": 27017},
    "options": {
        "replicaSet": "replicaSetName"

...with authentication:

export default {
    "database": "base",
    "hosts": [
        {"host": "db0.example.com", "port": 27017},
        {"host": "db1.example.com", "port": 27017},
        {"host": "db2.example.com", "port": 27017},
    "options": {
        "replicaSet": "replicaSetName"
    "username": "user",
    "password": "password",

To connect to a sharded cluster:

export default {
    "database": "base",
    "hosts": [
        {"host": "dbs0.example.com", "port": 27017},
        {"host": "dbs1.example.com", "port": 27017},
        {"host": "dbs2.example.com", "port": 27017},

...with authentication:

export default {
    "database": "base",
    "hosts": [
        {"host": "dbs0.example.com", "port": 27017},
        {"host": "dbs1.example.com", "port": 27017},
        {"host": "dbs2.example.com", "port": 27017},
    "username": "user",
    "password": "password",

5 years ago


5 years ago


6 years ago