1.3.1 • Published 4 years ago

translation-manager-react v1.3.1

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4 years ago


An React wrapper of translationManager



  1. npm i translation-manager && npm i translation-manager-react

  2. Create a folder /translations in your project (or copy translationsExample from this repo)

  3. Under this /translations folder create this tree:

    • /translations
      • /languages
        • /english
          • codes.json
          • ...any other json file
        • /french
          • codes.json
          • ...any other json file
        • ...any other language

    2.1 The files codes.json contains all the language codes used to target this language, example for english ["en","EN","en-us","en-US"]

    2.2 Next to the codes.json file you can create any other json file (with the name you want), these files will contain the translations: example:

       "ADD": {
           "value": "add"
       "CATEGORY": {
           "value": "category",
           "plural": "categories"
       "<textCode>": {
           "value": "text",
           "<special>": "textSpecial"
    • you have an json-schema here

    • \<special>: is any variant of your original text (plural, interrogative, ...)

  4. execute this command build-translations <path to your translations folder>, to create languageCodes.json, textCodes.json, translations.json. These three files are the compilation of the previous files.

  5. In your project, create a file initTranslations.js:

    const {TranslationManager} = require("translation-manager");
    const languageCodes        = require("translations/languageCodes");
    const translations         = require("translations/translations");
    TranslationManager.initData( languageCodes, translations );
    TranslationManager.setAppLanguage( "en" );
    // check Error
    if ( process.env.ENVIRONMENT !== "prod" )
        TranslationManager.verifyJson({ redundantCheck: false });

    IMPORTANT: Import initTranslations.js in first, in the entrance file of your app. So that TranslationManager.initData always takes place before usage of TranslationManager

  6. Finish, you can use TranslationManager:

    // todo
  7. Add shortcuts to the commands in your package.json scripts

        "scripts": {
            "build-translations": "build-translations ./translations",
            "watch-translation": "watch-translations ./translations",
            "clean-translation": "clean-translations ./translations english true true"



TranslationManager.getText does not actually return a string, it returns an instance of the TranslationText class. TranslationText is an extends of String. But you can use it like a string, all the methods of the string class are available, you can Jsonify, concat, split, trim...


  • typeof return "object"
  • if you print it, in the console, it display all the object
  • to avoid memory link, if you no longer need a text, think to do monTexte.destroy()


You can insert values in your text, translationManager use lodash template. In your text in json file, add ${<keyName>}. When you make getText, specify insertValue option, example:

        "value": "an error occurred: ${errorMessage}"
const err = new Error("foobar");
TranslationManager.getText(textCode.AN_ERROR_OCCURRED, {insertValues: {errorMessage: err.message}});


You can use html tag in your text. If you use Text component, and set the props html to true. An parser will convert your string in react node.


To change languages dynamically, the components that own the text must be re-render, for this, you can simply subscribe your component to TranslatioNmanager.onLanguageUpdate(). But you can, more simply, use the Text component, or the hooks of this API.


component Text

Text.propTypes = {
    className:     PropTypes.string,
    textCode:      PropTypes.string, // the wanted textCode, you can find them by import the builded file: "textCodes.json"
    language:      PropTypes.string, // to force the language
    insertValues:  PropTypes.object, // an object to insert values in your text
    option:        PropTypes.oneOf( ["capitalize","capitalizeWord","capitalizeSentence","uppercase","lowercase"]), // to transform your text
    special:       PropTypes.string, // if you want a special translation example: "plural", "interogation", ...
    ExtraContent:  PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.function, PropTypes.element, PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]), // a component which will be rendered after the text
    plural:        PropTypes.bool, // to override the props special and set this to "plural"
    interrogation: PropTypes.bool, // to override the props special and set this to "interrogation"
    html:         PropTypes.bool, // if the text must be parsed

    capitalize:         PropTypes.bool, // quick props to override props option
    capitalizeWord:     PropTypes.bool, // quick props to override props option
    capitalizeSentence: PropTypes.bool, // quick props to override props option
    uppercase:          PropTypes.bool, // quick props to override props option
    lowercase:          PropTypes.bool, // quick props to override props option
   Text.options = ["capitalize","capitalizeWord","capitalizeSentence","uppercase","lowercase"]
import React from "react";
import { Text } from "translation-manager-react";
import textCodes from "./translations/textCodes";

const DynamicNiceText = () => {
    return (
            <Text textCode={textCodes.CATEGORY}/>

The Text Component wrap your text in a span, and add an data-textcode to this element. To simplify your debugging, and when you add a new language

hooks useTranslationManager

An hooks for use TranslationManager. This hooks subscribe your component to the language update event.

import React from "react";
import { useTranslationManager } from "translation-manager-react";
import textCodes from "./translations/textCodes";

const WithHooksTranslationManager = () => {
    const TranslationManager = useTranslationManager();
    return (
            {TranslationManager.getText( textCodes.CATEGORY )}

hooks useTextCode

This hook allows you to recover the text directly. It is the lightest solution, and avoid too many re-render when the language change.

  • textCode: String the wanted textCode
  • options: Object
  • forceString: bool (default true) if you want an TranslationText or an string, keep true if you want't a light solution
import React from "react";
import { useTextCode } from "translation-manager-react";
import textCodes from "./translations/textCodes";

const WithHooksTextCode = () => {
    const textCode = textCodes.CATEGORY;
    const options = {special: "plural"};
    const forceString = true;
    const text = useTextCode( textCode, options, forceString );
    return (



To build the translations files: languageCodes.json, textCodes.json, translations.json

$ build-translations <path_to_your_translations_folder>


To clean your translations files (rearrange textCodes, sort them alphabetically and can transform their case)

$ clean-translations <path_to_your_translations_folder> <base_folder_name> <organizeOtherLanguageLikeBase> <minimizeValueCase>
  • path_to_your_translations_folder: path to the translation folder
  • base_folder_name: the name of the language folder on which all cleaning will be based. textCodes of other languages will be stored in the same way as the selected language. Default is "english"
  • organizeOtherLanguageLikeBase: if you want to store textCode in the same way as the base language.
  • minimizeValueCase: if you want to transform all value in lowerCase
$ clean-translations ./translations english true true


To watch the change in folder translations, with this command effective, any changement in translations files, trigger build-translations

$ watch-translations <path_to_your_translations_folder>

TranslationManager API




This project is licensed under the MIT - see the LICENSE file for details