1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

transmuter v1.0.0

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6 years ago


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Transform any value into any other value, in a comfortable, intuitive and fully-functional way. For Node.js or the browser. Minimalistic library.

1. Installation

~$ npm install --save transmuter

2. Usage

1. Import the API

1.a) For the browser

<script src="node_modules/transmuter/dist/transmuter.js"></script>

And in your javascript:

const Transmuter = TransmuterAPI.Transmuter;

1.b) For Node.js

const Transmuter = require("transmuter").Transmuter;

2. Instantiate a new Transmuter and add rules to it:

const transmuter = new Transmuter()
	.when(x => typeof x === "number")              // a) if it is a number...
	.gives(x => x + 10)                            // ...add 10 to the number
	.when(x => typeof x === "boolean")             // b) if it is a boolean...
	.gives(x => !x)                                // ...negate it
	.when(x => x instanceof Array && x.length > 0) // c) if it is an array and has more than 1 value...
	.gives(x => x[0])                              // ...return its first value
	.when(x => x instanceof Array) // d) if it is an array
	.when(x => typeof x === "object" && Object.keys(x).length === 0) // d) or if it is an object but has no properties...
	.gives(x => undefined)                         // ...return undefined
	.when(x => typeof x === "object")              // e) if it is an object
	.gives(x => Object.keys(x).join(" "));         // ...return the properties of the object in a string separating them with 1 space
.others(x => x);                               // f) in any other case, return the same value

3. Use and reuse the generated function:

console.log(transmuter.get(0) === 10); // >> true
console.log(transmuter.get(10) === 20); // >> true
console.log(transmuter.get(15) === 25); // >> true

console.log(transmuter.get(true) === false); // >> true
console.log(transmuter.get(false) === true); // >> true

console.log(transmuter.get([9, 8, 7]) === 9); // >> true
console.log(transmuter.get([8, 7]) === 8); // >> true
console.log(transmuter.get([7]) === 7); // >> true

console.log(transmuter.get([]) === undefined); // >> true
console.log(transmuter.get({}) === undefined); // >> true

console.log(transmuter.get({ a: 0, bb: 1, ccc: 2 }) === "a bb ccc"); // >> true

3. API Reference


Type: {Function}

Description: This function generates a new transmuter.

A Transmuter instance is an object that can add rules to it, and use them to transform any data into other thing (or the same thing).

A Transmuter rule is composed by a matcher and a transformer.

A matcher is a function that receives a value, and returns true or false.

A transformer is a function that receives a value, and returns the new value we want instead.

In the Transmuter API, the matchers are defined by the method when. Also, the method others, that will match any value that reaches that point of the transmuter.

In the Transmuter API, the transformers are defined by the method gives. Also, the method others, that will accept a transformer function as unique parameter.

The rules are registered and executed one after the other. When a matcher returns true, the next transformer will end the execution, and return the proper value.

Finally, to transmute a value, use the method get(x).

Also, if you want to wrap the value returned by any of the returned values, use the second parameter of the get method, and return the new value you want to return instead. This mecanism can be useful if you want to wrap into a Promise, for example, all the values previously defined.

Returns: {Object:Transmuter}. Object like:

 when: [Function],
 gives: [Function],
 others: [Function],
 get: [Function]

About each property:

· when: accepts a {Function} that returns true or false. Returns the same {Object:Transmuter}.

· gives: accepts a {Function} that returns any value. Returns the same {Object:Transmuter}.

· others: accepts a {Function} that returns any value. Returns the same {Object:Transmuter}.

· get: accepts any value. Accepts a second value, a {Function} that can modify the finally returned value (passed to it as its first parameter) just returning the new desired value. Returns the final (transmuted) value or, when provided, the value returned by the second parameter passed to this get method.


const Transmuter = require("transmuter").Transmuter;
const transmuter = new Transmuter()
///// a:
	.when(x => typeof x === "number") // a) if it is a number...
	.gives(x => x + 10) // ...add 10 to the number
///// b:
	.when(x => typeof x === "boolean") // b) if it is a boolean...
	.gives(x => !x) // ...negate it
///// c:
	.when(x => x instanceof Array && x.length > 0) // c) if it is an array and has more than 1 value
	.gives(x => x[0]) // ...return its first value
///// d:
	.when(x => x instanceof Array) // d) if it is an array
	.when(x => typeof x === "object" && Object.keys(x).length === 0) // d) or if it is an object but has no properties
	.gives(x => undefined) // ...return undefined
///// e:
	.when(x => typeof x === "object") // e) if it is an object
	.gives(x => Object.keys(x).join(" ")); // ...return the properties of the object in a string separating them with 1 space
///// f:
.others(x => x)

///// a:
console.log(transmuter.get(0) === 10); // >> true
console.log(transmuter.get(10) === 20); // >> true
console.log(transmuter.get(15) === 25); // >> true

///// b:
console.log(transmuter.get(true) === false); // >> true
console.log(transmuter.get(false) === true); // >> true

///// c:
console.log(transmuter.get([9, 8, 7]) === 9); // >> true
console.log(transmuter.get([8, 7]) === 8); // >> true
console.log(transmuter.get([7]) === 7); // >> true

///// d:
console.log(transmuter.get([]) === undefined); // >> true
console.log(transmuter.get({}) === undefined); // >> true

///// e:
console.log(transmuter.get({ a: 0, bb: 1, ccc: 2 }) === "a bb ccc"); // >> true

///// f:
console.log(transmuter.get(transmuter.get) === transmuter.get); // >> true

///// 2nd get value:
console.log(transmuter.get(transmuter.get, x => 100) === 100); // >> true

4. Tests, coverage, documentation and exportation.

There are command defined in the package.json for each of these purposes.

~$ npm run test # pass tests and generate coverage

~$ npm run test-nocov # pass tests (without coverage)

~$ npm run export # generate distribution files

~$ npm run docs # generate documentation

5. Conclusion

This is a very simple module that can improve code readability and extensibility, and it is usable by Node.js and browser environments.