1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

transplates v1.0.0

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8 years ago


Simple string templates, useful for translation. (node.js module)

Simple Example (Using TypeScript)

import * as Transplates from "transplates";

let languages = {
    en: {
        concat: ">1|*(0,-3)[${i}, ]${-2} and |${-1}",
        template: "Hello ${name}, your item+{s} -{is}+{are}: ${items}."
    es: {
        concat: ">1|*(0,-3)[${i}, ]${-2} y |${-1}",
        template: "Hola ${name}, su+{s} item+{s} -{es}+{son}: ${items}."
    ja: {
        concat: ">1|*(0,-2)[${i}と]|${-1}",
        template: "こんにちは、${name}の項目は${items}です."

function listItems(name: string, items: string[]): void {
    for (let langK in languages) {
        let lang = languages[langK];
        let str = Transplates.fillIn(lang.template,
            { name: name, items: items, isPlural: items.length > 1 },
            { concat: lang.concat });
        console.log(`${langK}: ${str}`);

let items = ["foo"];
listItems("John", items);
listItems("John", items);

will output

en: Hello John, your item is: foo.
es: Hola John, su item es: foo.
ja: こんにちは、Johnの項目はfooです.
en: Hello John, your items are: foo, bar and hoge.
es: Hola John, sus items son: foo, bar y hoge.
ja: こんにちは、Johnの項目はfooとbarとhogeです.


The main function in transplates is:

fillIn(template: string, filler: Object, langHelper?: LangHelper): string ;

fillIn will find and replace tokens in the template string using the following syntax:

  • ${property}

    Will be replaced with filler.property or "" if filler.property is undefined.

    If filler.property is an array, it will be treated in the following way:

    • If array.length === 0 => ""
    • If array.length >= 1 =>

      It will use a list template to concatenate array parts, the list-template to use will be taken from langHelper.concat. If langHelper is undefined, it will just concatenate the array items with commas.

  • ?{property; trueTS; falseTS}

    If filler.property===true, it will be replaced with fillIn(trueTS,filler) else fillIn(falseTS,filler) will be used. Both parameters are optional, in which case, "" will be used when needed.

  • +{TS}, -{TS}

    These are syntax sugar version for ?{filler.isPlural;TS} and ?{filler.isPlural;;TS} , respectively

    List templates

    List templates are a special case of templates suited to generate human readable concatenation of items on an array, or in any case where items from an array need to be extracted. The following tokens are used

  • ${n} , ${-n}

    To be replaced with array[n] or array[array.length+n] respectively.

  • *(begin,end) loopExpr

    From begin to end, loopExpr will be joined and then replaced. ${i} inside loopExpr will contain the current position in the array. If begin is missing, 0 will be assumed. If begin is negative, array.length+begin will be used. If end is missing, array.length-1 will be assumed. If end is negative array.length+end will be used.

  • >n|str|,<n|str|

    This guards will be applied before parsing the template. If array.length > n the string inside the braces will be kept, otherwise it will be discarded. The same but with array.length < n for the '<' version.

For example, to make a concatenation of items in English:

`">1|*(0,-3)[${i}, ]${-2} and |${-1}"`


`">1|*(0,-3)[${i}, ]${-2} y |${-1}"`

And Japanese:
