1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

traverse-dir v1.0.0

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Last release
3 years ago

Traverses a directory recursively.

const { traverseDirectory } = require("traverse-directory");
  (file) => console.log(file.name), 
  (directory) => { 
    return true;

Calls fileCallback for each file and directoryCallback for each directory

The fileCallback callback function is called for each files. An object is passed as parameters with the following fields:

  • name: The filename
  • relativeDirectoryPath: The file's directory relative path
  • relativeFilePath: The file's relative path
  • fullDirectoryPath: The file's directory full path
  • fullFilePath: The file's full path

The directoryCallback is optional. It must return true if directory should be parsed. If the directoryCallback is not provided, all directorys will be parsed. An object is passed as parameter of the callback:

  • name: The directory name
  • relativePath: The directory's relative path
  • fullPath: The directory's full path