0.1.1 • Published 3 years ago

travism v0.1.1

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Last release
3 years ago

Getting Started with Create React App

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm install

installed all required packages for the project

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.\ Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

How to use this package

To start using the tool, it has to be feed with field data as follows:

const formData = [
      type: "text",
      name: "name",
      label: "First Name",
      required: true,
      placeholder: "Enter your first name",
      type: "email",
      name: "email",
      label: "Email Address",
      required: false,
      placeholder: "Enter your email address",
      type: "radio",
      name: "languages",
      label: "Which languages do you require?",
      required: true,
      options: [
          value: "PHP",
          value: "JavaScript",
          value: "Java",
      type: "checkbox",
      label: "Select what you want?",
      required: true,
      name: "font types",
      options: [
          value: "Roboto",
          value: "Castoro",
          value: "Open Sans",
      type: "textarea",
      name: "special instructions",
      label: "Special Instructions",
      required: true,
      placeholder: "Write your special instructions...",
        "This is a real test write now, but when things start to get fun, that's when you change things.",
      minCharacters: 10,

Note that you can generate different types of inputs, 1. For generic input field Object data has to contain, note that generic input fields can be have type of text, email, and number.

  type: "text", // Can be number, email, or text
  name: "name",
  label: "First Name",
  required: true, // Optional, defaults to false
  placeholder: "Enter your first name", // Optional
  1. To generate checkbox: Object data has to contain
      type: "checkbox",
      label: "Select what you want?",
      required: true, // Optional, defaults to false
      name: "font types",
      options: [
          value: "Roboto",
  2. For textarea: Object data has to contain
      type: "textarea",
      name: "special instructions",
      label: "Special Instructions",
      required: true, // Optional, defaults to false
      placeholder: "Write your special instructions...", // Optional
      defaultValue: "", // Optional
      minCharacters: 10, // Optional, default is 0
  3. For radio input field: Object data has to contain

      type: "radio",
      name: "languages",
      label: "Which languages do you require?",
      required: true, // Optional, defaults to false
      options: [
          value: "PHP",
          value: "JavaScript",

How to use this formData

The Form component accepts a number of props, one is for feeding in this formData:

    import Form from travism

    return (
            fields={formData} // <- Form data goes in here 
            submitBtnTxt="Submit data"

Prop usage

  • endpoint: Accepts an endpoint to submit the form
  • onStatus: Return current status of the form, either, dirty or clean.
  • fields: Data used to render different input fields of the form.
  • roundBorder: It's a boolean, whether want the input fields to have some border radius, defaults to false.
  • btnPosition: Position of the submit button, whether to be centered, etc. Options are center, right and left, default is right.
  • submitBtnTxt: Allows you to change the text written on the submit button, default is Submit form.

To Do

  • Add more customizable options to the component