1.4.20 • Published 7 years ago

treasurer v1.4.20

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Last release
7 years ago


Build Status Build status dependency-free js-google-style

A lightweight tool to read and write 2-dimensional data to common file formats, e.g. .json, .csv or *.tsv.

For Production Use

v. 1.4.4Downward compatibility fix for NodeJS Versions < 8.0 andextended CI-Testing for NodeJS Versions >=6.0.0.
v. 1.4.8Introduce OS-independent paths.
v. 1.4.11Introduce Windows CI-Testing.
v. 1.4.15Refactoring; resolve-reject injection checks; async error handling

How to install as dependency

Download available @npm: treasurer

Install via command line:

npm install --save treasurer

How To use this Library in Production

Currently exposed Classes and Interfaces:

  • Treasurer - Contains reading and writing facilities.
  • DataSet - Interface representing the dataset structure.
  • ReaderConfig, WriterConfig - Interfaces representing the Reading/Writing configuration structure.

These classes can be imported from this npm module, e.g.:

import { Treasurer } from 'treasurer';

For JavaScript usage require classes from this npm module as follows:

let Treasurer = require('treasurer').Treasurer;

Write data synchronously to any given file path: (For async writing please check the code example.)

import { Treasurer } from 'treasurer';

//... prepare a header and data, e.g.
let header = ['id', 'name', 'date of birth', 'nationality', 'rat pack member'];
let data = [
            [1, 'Frank Sinatra', '12-12-1915', 'US', true],
            [2, 'Dean Martin', '07-07-1917', 'US', true],
            [3, 'Sammy Davis Jr.', '12-08-1925', 'US', true],
            [4, 'Freddie Prinze Jr.', '03-08-1976', 'US', false],

//... optionally: prepare the configuration
const config = { sync: true, fileSystem: { encoding: 'utf8' } };

  .fileWriter(config)   // configures the writing facilities
  .setHeader(header)  // 1D Array of Strings and/or Numbers
  .setData(data)      // 2D Array of Strings, Numbers and/or Boolean
  .writeTo('./path/to/file.csv'); // csv, tsv, json or txt accepted

Read data synchronously from files and always receive the data in the same structured format: (For async reading please check the code example.)

import { Treasurer } from 'treasurer';

//... optionally: prepare the configuration
const config = { sync: true, fileSystem: { encoding: 'utf8' } };

let dataset = Treasurer
                .readFrom('./path/to/file.csv'); // csv, tsv, json or txt accepted

  // --> 1D Array of Strings and/or Numbers
  // ['id', 'name', 'date of birth', 'nationality', 'rat pack member']

  // --> 2D Array of Strings, Numbers and/or Boolean
  // [
  //  [1, 'Frank Sinatra', '12-12-1915', 'US', true],
  //  [2, 'Dean Martin', '07-07-1917', 'US', true],
  //  [3, 'Sammy Davis Jr.', '12-08-1925', 'US', true],
  //  [4, 'Freddie Prinze Jr.', '03-08-1976', 'US', false],
  //  ...
  // ];



In the following section is the API description for the writing facility. Also have a look at the Code Examples for:

fileWriter(options?: WriterConfig): Function

  • Entry point and configuration-injection for the file-writer facility.
  • options?: WriterConfig - optional writer configuration. Structure as follows:
    • sync?: boolean - synchronous writing. Default: false
    • fileSystem?: object|string|null - set Filesystem related options
      • encoding?: string|null - Default: 'utf8'
      • mode?: number|string - Default: 0o666
      • flag?: string - Default: 'w'
  • returns setHeader: Function

setHeader(header: Array<string|number>): Function

  • header: 1D-Array of Column Names
    • Valid data types: string and number
  • returns setData: Function
  • throws an Error if input doesn't meet the expected scope

setData(data: Array<Array<string|number|boolean>>): Function

  • data: 2D-Array of mixed values
    • each row represents one data set
    • Valid data types:
      • Booleans (true, false),
      • Strings ('abc', '') and
      • Numbers (1, 1.234, NaN)
      • undefined, null are being translated to '' (empty String)
  • returns writeTo: Function
  • throws an Error if input doesn't meet the expected scope, e.g. nested structures like Objects, Arrays

writeTo(path: string, resolve?: (value?: void | PromiseLike<void>) => void, reject?: (reason?: any) => void): void | Promise<void>

  • Accepts an OS-independent path value and writes the data to the output-file.
  • Non-existing directories will auto-magically be created.
  • path: analogue to readFrom()
  • resolve?: optional resolve function for ASYNC writing tasks
  • reject?: optional reject function for ASYNC writing tasks
  • returns void in synchronous call and Promise<void> in async function call.
  • throws an Error if
    • input doesn't meet the expected scope or
    • if the writing process was aborted.


In the following section is the API description for the reading facility. Also have a look at the Code Examples for:

fileReader(options?: ReaderConfig): Function

  • Entry point and configuration-injection for the file-reader facility.
  • options?: optional reader configuration. Structure as follows:
    • sync?: boolean - synchronous reading. Default: false
    • fileSystem?: object|string|null - set Filesystem related options
      • encoding?: string|null - Default: 'utf8' (differing from NodeJS Default)
      • flag?: string - Default: 'r'
  • returns readFrom: Function

readFrom(path: string, resolve?: (value?: DataSet | PromiseLike<DataSet>) => void, reject?: (reason?: any) => void): DataSet | Promise<DataSet>

  • Accepts an OS-independent path value and reads the content from that file.
  • path: String containing the path to the file; independent of the Operating System; e.g.:
    • relative Posix Path: path/to/file.json or ./path/to/file.json
    • absolute Posix Path: /path/to/file.csv
    • relative Windows Path: path\to\file.json or .\path\to\file.json
    • absolute Windows Server-Path: C:\path\to\file.csv or \\path\to\file.csv (mind: escaping characters!)
  • resolve?: optional custom resolve function for ASYNC reading tasks
  • reject?: optional custom reject function for ASYNC reading tasks
  • returns DataSet in synchronous call and a Promise<DataSet> in async function calls. DataSet containing the following structure:
    • header: Array<string|number> - 1D-Array of mixed values.
    • data: Array<Array<string|number|boolean>> - 2D-Array of corresponding data mixed values.
  • throws an Error if input doesn't meet the expected scope.


  • sync-mode: Each method is able to throw an Error. The triggered Error-object contains a hint regarding the occured problem.
  • async-mode: Each occuring Error is populated into the reject-callback and the progress of writing is thus cancelled. If no reject-callback given, the Error is thrown and can be catched with the catch-facility of the resulting Promise. The triggered Error contains a hint regarding the occured problem.

Scope Definition

This project is meant to be lightweight, easy to use and limited to the initial scope of:

  • trouble-free reading and persisting of 2D data sets in any common format.


Treasurer is bound to the permissions of your operating system. It is always assuming that you have the specific permissions to read and write data or create directories and will throw an Error if you don't.

Quality Measures

This project is configured to run automated tests via Travis CI (for Linux and MacOS) and AppVeyor (for Windows x86/x64).

The project is explicitly tested against NodeJS Versions > 6.0.0.


  • util.promisify - Polyfill for NodeJS Versions < 8.0

Community Contribution

Everybody is more than welcome to contribute and extend the functionality!

Please feel free to contribute to this project as much as you wish to.

  1. clone from GitHub via git clone https://github.com/mvrahden/treasurer.git
  2. cd into the directory and npm install for initialization
  3. Try to npm run test. If everything is green, you're ready to go :sunglasses:

Before triggering a pull-request, please make sure that you've run all the tests via the testing command:

npm run test

Code of Conduct

When you're contributing, try to...

  • make things clear to everyone.
  • encapsulate complex things in methods with expressive names.
  • not hide any relevant information for other colleagues.
  • never use comments when you can express things through code - so: never use comments.
  • keep methods small and simple for interpretion.
  • leave places always a bit cleaner than you've found them.


This Project is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause.


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