0.0.7 • Published 2 years ago
treevial_orm v0.0.7
check out Lucid here
Key Features
- Define Schemas, with fields and relationships as well as indexes and constraints
- Sync Data model (though basic atm), renames, adds, drops, etc.
- Flexible with data types, supports all of SurrealDB's data types and a Prisma-like query builder
- Fully typesafe, easily infer your data model when doing a simple select or a more complex count or boolean query
- Framework agnostic, use it with any framework
- Easily handle recursive relationships without any hassle of circular references
- And a lot more
How To Use
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js
# Clone this repository
$ git clone git@github.com:soya-miruku/Treevial.git
# Go into the repository
$ cd Treevial
# Install dependencies
$ bun install
# Run the tests
$ bun run src/tests
import { AdapterFactory, inferFull Treevial } from './surreal';
// first we will need to define a model, currently we can use the MultiDef class to do so (ideally it would be good to have a Define class which would be used to define a single model)
const schemas = Treevial.MultiDef(({ number, string, date, array, record, relation, object, enums }) => ({
User: {
id: string(), //ideally we should have an id type
name: string(),
email: string({ required: true, index: 'idx_user_email' }),
password: string(),
createdOn: date({ required: false, default: () => new Date() }),
updatedAt: date(),
posts: array(record(() => schemas.defs.post)),
following: relation({
edge: object({
createdAt: date({ default: () => new Date() }),
how: enums(['post', 'search'], { required: true }),
out: object(() => schemas.defs.user),
name: 'follows',
inverse: false,
followers: relation({
edge: object({ createdAt: date({ default: () => new Date() }), how: enums(['post', 'search']) }),
out: object(() => schemas.defs.user),
name: 'follows',
inverse: true,
Post: {
id: string({ required: true }),
createdOn: date({ required: false }),
content: string({ required: false }),
// if you want to infer the basic type/ full type of a model you can use the inferFull function or the inferBasic function and there are also a few more
type User = inferFull<typeof schemas.defined.user>;
// initialise the client (still need to work on creating a proper connection)
const adapter = AdapterFactory.Create({
type: 'surreal',
auth: {
username: 'root',
password: 'root',
port: 8000,
host: '',
database: 'ttest',
namespace: 'ttest',
const client = await adapter.Connect({ ...schemas.defined }); //creates the client with all the schemas
// now we can use the client to do queries or whatever else, if you are familiar with Prisma, this works alot like that
const user = await client.User.FindMany({
select: {
id: true,
name: true,
email: true,
posts: {
_count: true,
as: 'postCount',
following: {
_count: true,
as: 'followingCount',
where: {
age: { gt: 10 },
const user = await client.User.Create({
data: {
name: 'myname',
email: 'something@gmail.com',
}) // fields marked as required will be (...well) required XD
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GitHub @soya-miruku