0.0.5 • Published 6 months ago

treturner-plugin-sentry v0.0.5

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6 months ago

Sentry Plugin for Payload

This plugin seamlessly integrates Sentry with Payload for performance monitoring and error tracking.


  yarn add @payloadcms/plugin-sentry
  # OR
  npm i @payloadcms/plugin-sentry

Basic Usage

  1. Import sentry from '@payloadcms/plugin-sentry'
  2. Add it to the plugins array of your Payload config
  3. Pass in your Data Source Name (DSN)
  4. Pass additional options - not required
import { buildConfig } from 'payload/config';
import { sentry } from '@payloadcms/plugin-sentry';
import { Pages, Media } from './collections';

const config = buildConfig({
  collections: [Pages, Media],
  plugins: [
      dsn: 'https://61edebas777889984d323d777@o4505289711681536.ingest.sentry.io/4505357433352176',

export default config;


Data Source Name (DSN) and where to find it

  • dsn : string | required

    Sentry automatically assigns a DSN when you create a project, the unique DSN informs Sentry where to send events so they are associated with the correct project.

    :rotating_light: You can find the DSN in your project settings by navigating to Project > Settings > Client Keys (DSN) in sentry.io.

Additional Options

  • enabled: boolean | optional

    Set to false to disable the plugin. Defaults to true.

  • init : ClientOptions | optional

    Sentry allows a variety of options to be passed into the Sentry.init() function, see the full list of options here.

  • requestHandler : RequestHandlerOptions | optional

    Accepts options that let you decide what data should be included in the event sent to Sentry, checkout the options here.

  • captureErrors: number[] | optional

    By default, Sentry.errorHandler will capture only errors with a status code of 500 or higher. To capture additional error codes, pass the values as numbers in an array.

You can configure any of these options by passing them to the plugin under options:

import { buildConfig } from 'payload/config';
import { sentry } from '@payloadcms/plugin-sentry';
import { Pages, Media } from './collections';

const config = buildConfig({
  collections: [Pages, Media],
  plugins: [
      dsn: 'https://61edebas777889984d323d777@o4505289711681536.ingest.sentry.io/4505357433352176',
      options: {
        init: {
          debug: true,
          environment: 'development',
          tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
        requestHandler: {
          serverName: false,
          user: ["email"],
        captureErrors: [400, 403, 404],

export default config;

To learn more about these options and when to use them, visit the Sentry Docs.


All types can be directly imported:

import { PluginOptions } from '@payloadcms/plugin-sentry/types';


To actively develop or debug this plugin you can either work directly within the demo directory of this repo, or link your own project.

Internal Demo

This repo includes a demo of Payload that installs the plugin directly from the source code. This is the easiest way to get started. To spin up this demo, follow these steps:

  1. First clone the repo
  2. Then, cd plugin-sentry && yarn && cd dev && yarn && yarn dev
  3. Now open http://localhost:3000/admin in your browser
  4. Create a new user and sign in
  5. Use the buttons to throw test errors

That's it! Changes made in ./src will be reflected in the demo.