tria-prima v0.11.0
Tria Prima - △
Frontend application framework.
npm i tria-prima --save
Three concerns guide development.
The structure, change, and retrieval of state.
A collection of immutable stores model the application's state, how changes are made to state, and provide cohesive interfaces for state access.
export const user: ISchema.Store {
store: Immutable.Map(),
action: {
merge(state, users) {
return state.merge(users);
select: {
find(state) {
return state;
Where state comes from and goes to.
Sources define how to retrieve data (http / websocket / etc) and how it relates to an application's stores by way of its actions.
export const user: ISchema.Source {
find(action) {
return http(`/api/users`).get().then(action.user.merge);
What to display given the browser's location.
Browser locations are mapped to Pages, which contain a root component, properties mapped to the store, and the actions needed for setup.
export const UserList: ISchema.Page = {
meta: {
title: 'Users'
root: UserList,
select: ({ select }) => {
return {
users: select.user.find
setup: async ({ source }) => {
await source.user.find();
export const path: ISchema.Path = {
'/user/:userId': Profile
Creating an Application
An application is rendered by providing the schemas outlined above:
Application({ path, source, store }).start();
Velocity is increased through convention. Tria-Prima offers a Resource abstraction capable of generating a store and source for restful resources.
const { store, source } = resource('user', {
model: User,
slug: ':userId',
path: '/user'
Deployment is managed through the following commands:
Compile assets into a bundle.
npm run tria-prima-compile
Push assets to S3.
npm run tria-prima-push
Compile and push assets.
npm run tria-prima-deploy