1.0.3 ā€¢ Published 3 years ago

trigitactions v1.0.3

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3 years ago


ā­ Star us on GitHub ā€” it helps! Trigitactions is a cli to trigger github actions from terminal, npm / yarn script with just one line.

It uses @ocktokit under the hood and can be launched in 1 min.


npm i -g trigitactions
yarn global add trigitactions

One installed you have 3 commands:

  • trigit: help menu for trigitactions cli
  • runworkflow: Run a workflow on github actions
  • listworflow: List for a given repository all worklow.id, worklow.name and worklow.filename

##Commands ###Auth To interact with Github api, you need to setup an env variable with a github token value. You can generate a token there: https://github.com/settings/tokens

###listworkflow This command helps you to list all workflow in a repository.

listworkflow -o Owner -r Repository -p Profile -q search_term

Owner and Repository are required.

Profile is not required, but you need to setup an env variable named TRIGIT_DEFAULT_PROFILE with a valid github token. If your already have an env variable with a valid github token value, just use:


If you are looking for a particular workflow, you can use the -q parameter. It's a simple filter as workflow.name.toLowerCase().includes(q).


listworkflow -o JohnDoe -r FirstCorp
Owner: JohnDoe | Repo: FirstCorp
Workflow found: 3
id: 1637264 | name: Build/company1 | filename: buildcompany1.yml
id: 6173621 | name: Build/company2 | filename: buildcompany2.yml

###runworkflow This command helps you to trigger a github action.

runworkflow  -o Owner -r Repository -w WorkflowId -i 'DataForJob:JSON' -f master

Owner and Repository are required. This command uses the same config for -p variable as listworfklow command.

-w variable is the workflow id to trigger. You can use workflow.name or wrkflow.filename given in listworfklow command.

-i variable is for workflow input. To use this parameters, you need to define input in your .yml file, otherwise an error will be throw. Data should be passed as a JSON string: -i '{"url": "http://example"}'

-f is for ref. By default this will be set to master, you can use any branch or tag name.

runworkflow -o JohnDoe -r company1 -w 6176732 -i '{"dbUrl": "mydb.com"}' -f dev
Status: 204. Action triggered šŸ‘