0.0.44 • Published 5 years ago

trikata v0.0.44

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Last release
5 years ago


GraphQL framework for Node.js. Given a GraphQL schema, we'll enhance it and automatically generate resolvers for you. Cut down on your development time and focus on delivering the features that matter for your app.

  • Get CRUD resolvers for each of your types for free
  • Auth out of the box
  • Data caching for high performance
  • Extensible plugin architecture via NPM modules

Get Started

mkdir hello-trikata
cd hello-trikata
npm init -y
npm i -S trikata
node_modules/.bin/tk init
# make sure you have a postgres db setup and listening on port 5432 w/ pg user
# 'postgres' and password set to 'password'
# You can also set the PG_URL env var to point to the DB. Here's an example:
# postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/postgres
npm run migrate
npm start