0.4.0 • Published 8 years ago

trinity-sim v0.4.0

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8 years ago


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trinity-sim lets you run your own permutations on the classic Trinity Study.



Runs a single simulation line.


options: Object, Options object which contains the options necessary for simulation.

options.startingValue: Number, Starting portfolio value. Required.

options.startingYear: Number, Starting year for the simulation. Must be between 1914 and 2015. Required.

options.durationYears: Number, Duration of the simulation in years. Required.

options.allocation: Object, Object which contains the allocations for the starting value. All values must add up to 1.

options.allocation.equities: Number, Ratio of equities.

options.allocation.bonds: Number, Ratio of bonds. Defaults to 1-equities.

options.fees: Number, Fees on investments per year. Required.

options.spendingModel: Array.<Number> | Number, Spending model for the simulation. Required. If it is a list of yearly spending, it must be an array at least as large as the durationYears property. Each index says how much money is spent per year. If it is a number, that will be the spending per year, adjusted with inflation.

options.rebalance: Boolean, Whether to rebalance allocation annually. Defaults to false.

Returns: SingleSimReturn, result - Result of the sim. result.data: Array.<Object>, Array of objects containing adjustedNet, adjustedSharesBalance, and adjustedBondsBalance properties.


Runs the entire simulation with multiple simulation lines starting in different years.


options: Object, Options object which contains the options necessary for simulation.

options.startingValue: Number, Starting portfolio value. Required.

options.durationYears: Number, Duration of the simulation in years. Required.

options.allocation: Object, Object which contains the allocations for the starting value. All values must add up to 1.

options.allocation.equities: Number, Ratio of equities.

options.allocation.bonds: Number, Ratio of bonds. Defaults to 1-equities.

options.fees: Number, Fees on investments per year. Required.

options.spendingModel: Array.<Number> | Number, Spending model for the simulation. Required. If it is a list of yearly spending, it must be an array at least as large as the durationYears property. Each index says how much money is spent per year. If it is a number, that will be the spending per year, adjusted with inflation.

options.rebalance: Boolean, Whether to rebalance allocation annually. Defaults to false.

Returns: SimulationReturn, result - Result of the sim. result.successRate: Number, Number between 0 and 1 representing the proportion of cycles which succeeded. result.data: Array.<Array.<Object>>, Array of arrays of objects, each one containing adjustedNet, adjustedSharesBalance, and adjustedBondsBalance properties.


Data for archive.js is taken from Robert Shiller's book "Irrational Exuberance".

Specifically, data can be found here:

sp500: http://www.multpl.com/s-p-500-historical-prices/table/by-year

dividend: http://www.multpl.com/s-p-500-dividend-yield/table

cpi: http://www.multpl.com/cpi/table

treasuryrate: http://www.multpl.com/10-year-treasury-rate/table/by-year


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago