1.2.1 • Published 2 years ago

tristate v1.2.1

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2 years ago

jQuery Tristate

Version 1.2.1

Copyright © 2013-2017 Martijn van der Lee. MIT Open Source license applies.

Based on work by Chris Coyier (http://css-tricks.com/indeterminate-checkboxes/)

jQuery tristate (indeterminate) checkbox with pseudo selectors and optional value modification and .val() overwrite.


  • Simple syntax: .tristate()
  • Options to set alternative values for true, false and null state.
  • Access using val() (when alternative values specified).
  • Set state using widget-like syntax .tristate('state', true/false/null);
  • :tristate, :indeterminate and :determinate pseudo selectors included.
  • Indeterminate state can be set using indeterminate="indeterminate" attribute.
  • Alternative values can be set using checkedvalue, uncheckedvalue and indeterminatevalue attributes or options.
  • HTML attributes modified by the plugin.
  • Should support every major browser, including IE6.
  • Configurable order of states.


Version 1.2.1

  • Added reverse option.
  • Fixed QUnit testcases.

Version 1.2

  • Dropped jQueryUI requirement.
  • Minor optimizations.

Version v1.1

  • Fixed memory leak on DOM node removal.
  • Fixed bug with click fall-through.
  • Adapted to jQueryUI widget.
  • Improvements to Unittest for FireFox.


jQuery v1.6.2 or higher required. (Will not work with v1.6.1 or before).

Current version: https://github.com/vanderlee/tristate/archive/master.zip

Sourcecode on Github: https://github.com/vanderlee/tristate

Browser support

Tested with v1.2.1

  • Chrome 56
  • FireFox 51
  • Opera 43
  • Internet Explorer 11

Quick start

The following code quickly shows you how to use the tristate plugins.

There are multiple ways to use tristate, you should look at the included examples to learn the way you prefer.

<input type="checkbox" class="tristate"/>
<input type="checkbox" class="tristate" checked="checked"/>
<input type="checkbox" class="tristate" indeterminate="1"/>

	$(function() {
			change: function(state, value) {
				console.log('Input:', this);
				console.log('Unknown?', state === null);
				console.log('Known?', state !== null);
				console.log('Checked?', state === true);
				console.log('Unhecked?', state === false);

Usage Notes

  • To set and read the state easily, null is used as the value for indeterminate tristate inputs in various options, names and functions.

  • The :checked pseudo selector works on tristate inputs.

    The indeterminate is treated as unchecked, so will return a false result when using the :checked pseudo selector. state is



Turn a normal checkbox input into a tristate input.


  • state
`true` for checked, `false` for unchecked or `null` for undeterminate.
  • value
Set the value in order to set the state. Only works if values are specified
for `checked`, `unchecked` and/or `indeterminate`.
  • checked
The value to return for checked state. If not specified, the value in the
`value` attribute is returned.
  • unchecked
The value to return for unchecked state. If not specified, the value in the
`value` attribute is returned.
  • indeterminate
The value to return for indeterminate state. If not specified, the value in
the	`value` attribute is returned.


  • init(state, value)
Triggered upon initialization.
State can be `true`, `false` or `null`. Value is the value as it would be
returned from `.val()`.
  • change(state, value)
Triggered whenever the state changes.
State can be `true`, `false` or `null`. Value is the value as it would be
returned from `.val()`.


  • state
Either get or set the state of the checkbox. Uses `true` for checked,
`false` for unchecked or `null` for indeterminate state.
  • value
Get the current value or set the state by specifying the value.
Setting the value only works if you have specified values (either using
expando attributes or options) for the different states.


Overwrites the normal val() method for tristate controls. Returns the value or the value connected to the state if specified. Behaviour for controls other that tristate controls is unmodified.

:tristate pseudo selector

Selects only tristate inputs

:determinate pseudo selector

Selects only those tristate inputs with a determinate (either checked or unchecked) state.

:indeterminate pseudo selector

Selects only those tristate inputs with an indeterminate (neither checked nor unchecked) state.

HTML attributes

You can control the behaviour of the tristate input using HTML expando (non- standard) attributes. Any current browser will handle these perfectly well.

<input type="checkbox" indeterminate="indeterminate"


You can use a `indeterminate` attribute to specify the default state as such.
The plugin itself may set and remove this attribute as the state changes.


Sets the value returned if checked.


Sets the value returned if unchecked.


Sets the value returned if indeterminate.