0.0.1 • Published 3 years ago

trono v0.0.1

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Last release
3 years ago


A super simple, extremely small, and pretty useful tool for building dom elements in JavaScript

Getting Started


npm i trono


import $ from 'trono';
$.h1('Hola, Mundo');

Todo List Example

const items = ['Start using trono.js', 'Focus on my project'];
$.section(() => {
  $.header(() => {
    $.h1('Todo List');
    const input = $.input('type="text" placeholder="Add a new item"');
    $.button.add('Add').onclick = () => {
      $.li.todo-item(input.value, ul);
  const ul = $.ul.todo-items(() => {
    items.forEach(item => $.li.todo-item(item));



Returns the created DOM Element


Instead of defining tag and classes in the ELEMENT_STRING, you can hoist them to before the parenthesis. So $('h1.title', 'My Title') is the same as $.h1.title('My Title').

If you hoist, then the expected arguments may change. Here are examples showing different behaviors: 1) $.span('This is Content') 1) $.span('#span-id title="span"', 'This is Content') 1) $.input('type="checkbox" checked')

The ELEMENT_STRING will be removed as the expected first argument, unless either of the following conditions are satisfied: 1) The user provides a second argument that is clearly the content (i.e. of type string or function). 1) The element is a type that cannot have content/children, as in input or br

In the 2nd example, condition (1) was satisfied, since the 2nd argument is clearly the content. In the 3rd example, input is an empty element, meaning it can't have child nodes.

List of empty element tags

['area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr']


Text-representatin of the element being created, in the following order: 1) Tag. Defaults to div. Tag can be hoisted. 1) Classes. Prefixed with a ., as in .first.second.third. Can be hoisted. 1) Id. Prefixed with a #, as in #first-name 1) Attributes. Each is separated by a space, and functions the same as when createad in an HTML tag.

  • $.div() or $()

    • <div></div>
  • $.div.block() or $('div.block')

    • <div class="block"></div>
  • $.h1.title() or $('h1.title')

    • <h1 class="title"></h1>
  • $.input('type="checkbox" checked')

    • <input type="checkbox" checked>
  • $.i.icon.close('#close-icon aria-hidden="true" title="Close Icon"')

    • <i id="close-icon" aria-hidden="true" title="Close Icon" class="icon close"></i>

CONTENT (optional)

Either a function or string

Content as text:
  • $.span('Hello, World')<span>Hello, World</div>
  • $.button('Click Me')<button>Click Me</button>
Content as a function:

Passes the dom element as an arg. This is usually unnecessary, since elements are automatically appended to the containing element. However, in cases of delayed execution (timeout, event callback, etc.) it can often be useful.

$.ul.items(() => {
    $.li('Item 1');
    $.li(() => {


<ul class="items">
    <li>Item 1</li>

Note: If element has no content, the arg can just be eliminated. Thus, ATTACH_NODE and $.button(document.body); $.input(document.body);

ATTACH_NODE (optional)

Determines which parent node to attach to. If not specified, attaches to the node in our current context. The context node is either the node for which we're currently executing its content function, or it is document.body.

$.section(() => {
   $.h1('This element is a child of section');
   $('.popup', '...and this is a child of body', document.body);

Be careful with code that has delayed execution, since its context is lost. For this reason, it's often useful to use the node argument to attach it explicitly.

$.section(section => {
   $('button', 'Click Me').onclick = () => {
      $.h1('This element gets appended to document.body');
      $.h1('Wherease this will get appended in section', section);


Rather than appending to the ATTACH_NODE you can insert before this reference node.

$.section(section => {
   const button = $('button', 'Insert Above')
   button.onclick = () => {
      $('div', `Item ${section.children.length}`, section, button);