2.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

truffle-hyperledger-besu-box v2.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago

Hyperledger Besu Truffle Box

You can read the official documentation here


Run a local devnet or connect to a test network


. ./init-besu.sh

Getting Started

  1. Install

    Install the NPM Package:
    `npm install truffle-hyperledger-besu-box`
  2. Modify the truffle-config.js file in the project directory to add the wallet provider. Replace:

    `<JSON-RPC-http-endpoint>` with the JSON-RPC endpoint (IP address and port) of a Besu node
    `<account-private-key>` with the private key of an Ethereum account containing Ether
  3. Start a Besu Node Start a Besu node with JSON-RPC enabled on the endpoint specified in the Truffle configuration file.

Mac users can use homebrew to install hyperledger besu Add the tap, and install: You will need a genesis file as well

  1. Run the besu executable: besu --help besu --data-path=data --genesis-file=genesis.json --p2p-port=30303 --rpc-http-enabled --rpc-http-api=ETH,NET,ADMIN --host-whitelist="*" --rpc-http-cors-origins="all"

  2. Deploy Contract To deploy a contract onto the Besu network: truffle migrate --network besuWallet


MIT / Apache-2.0