0.0.4 • Published 4 months ago

trustdidweb-ts v0.0.4

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Last release
4 months ago

TrustedDID Web Typescript

trustdidweb-ts provides developers with a comprehensive library and resolver for working with Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) following the did:tdw method specification. This Typescript-based toolkit is designed to facilitate the integration and management of DIDs within web applications, enabling secure identity verification and authentication processes. It includes functions for creating, resolving, updating and deactivating DIDs by managing DID documents. The package is built to ensure compatibility with the latest web development standards, offering a straightforward API that makes it easy to implement DID-based features in a variety of projects.


The trustdidweb-ts implementation of the did:tdw specification currently implements the following features from the specification with the goal to be feature complete soon.

DONEOngoing publishing of all DID Document (DIDDoc) versions for a DIDIncludes publishing alongside a did:web DID/DIDDoc.
DONEThe same DID-to-HTTPS transformation as did:web-
DONEAbility to resolve the full history of the DIDUses a verifiable chain of updates from genesis to deactivation.
DONEA self-certifying identifier (SCID) for the DIDEnsures global uniqueness, derived from the initial DIDDoc for portability.
DONEDIDDoc updates include a proof signed by the DID Controller(s)Proof required for updates, authorized by the DID Controller(s).
DONEOptional mechanism for publishing "pre-rotation" keysHelps prevent loss of control if an active private key is compromised.
TODODID URL path handlingDefaults to resolve /path/to/file by DID-to-HTTPS translation, can be overridden.
TODOA DID URL path /whoisAutomatically returns a Verifiable Presentation, if published by the DID controller.


Install bun.sh

curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash

Install dependencies

bun install

Available Commands

The following commands are defined in the package.json file:

  1. dev: Run the resolver in development mode with debugging enabled.

    bun run dev

    This command runs: bun --watch --inspect-wait ./src/resolver.ts

  2. server: Run the resolver in watch mode for development.

    bun run server

    This command runs: bun --watch ./src/resolver.ts

  3. test: Run all tests.

    bun run test

    This command runs: bun test

  4. test:watch: Run tests in watch mode.

    bun run test:watch

    This command runs: bun test --watch

  5. test:bail: Run tests in watch mode, stopping on the first failure with verbose output.

    bun run test:bail

    This command runs: bun test --watch --bail --verbose

  6. test:log: Run tests and save the output to a log file.

    bun run test:log

    This command runs: mkdir -p ./test/logs && LOG_RESOLVES=true bun test &> ./test/logs/test-run.txt

  7. cli: Run the CLI tool.

    bun run cli [command] [options]

    This command runs: bun run src/cli.ts --

CLI Usage Guide

⚠️ Warning: The CLI is experimental beta software - use at your own risk!

Basic Syntax

bun run cli [command] [options]

Available Commands

1. Create a DID

Create a new DID with various configuration options:

bun run cli create \
  --domain example.com \
  --output ./did.jsonl \
  --portable \
  --witness did:tdw:witness1:example.com \
  --witness-threshold 1

Key Options:

  • --domain: (Required) Host domain for the DID
  • --output: Save location for DID log
  • --portable: Enable domain portability
  • --prerotation: Enable key pre-rotation security
  • --witness: Add witness DIDs (repeatable)
  • --witness-threshold: Set minimum witness count
  • --next-key-hash: Add pre-rotation key hashes (required with --prerotation)

2. Resolve a DID

View the current state of a DID:

# From DID identifier
bun run cli resolve --did did:tdw:123456:example.com

# From local log file
bun run cli resolve --log ./did.jsonl

3. Update a DID

Modify an existing DID's properties:

bun run cli update \
  --log ./did.jsonl \
  --output ./updated.jsonl \
  --add-vm keyAgreement \
  --service LinkedDomains,https://example.com \
  --also-known-as did:web:example.com

Update Options:

  • --log: (Required) Current DID log path
  • --output: Updated log save location
  • --add-vm: Add verification methods:
    • authentication
    • assertionMethod
    • keyAgreement
    • capabilityInvocation
    • capabilityDelegation
  • --service: Add services (format: type,endpoint)
  • --also-known-as: Add alternative identifiers
  • --prerotation: Enable/update key pre-rotation
  • --witness: Update witness list
  • --witness-threshold: Update witness requirements

4. Deactivate a DID

Permanently deactivate a DID:

bun run cli deactivate \
  --log ./did.jsonl \
  --output ./deactivated.jsonl