0.0.2 • Published 7 years ago

trxwallet v0.0.2

Weekly downloads
Last release
7 years ago


Offline wallet for TRON protocol based on trxplorer.io API using https://github.com/trxplorer/tron-api-cli


TRXWallet is a javascript wallet for the TRON blockchain protocol. The main idea is to always keep your TRON private key safe and always offline. You can create a single or multiple wallets using a password that will be used to encrypt you private key and to sign your transactions (sending TRX, voting, freezing/unfreezing TRX). Your private key is never revealed by the application.

Implemented features:

  • Create a new wallet
  • Import an existing TRON account into a new wallet
  • Live account informations (TRX balance, Bandwidth, Tron power)
  • List of account: transactions, tokens, vote history, freeze/unfreeze history
  • Send TRX or token to another account
  • Vote for super representative
  • Freeze/Unfreeze
  • Apply to become representative/delegate
  • Transaction signature system that is independant from the application and can be invoked by a third party application (see chrome-extension https://github.com/tronwallet/chrome-extension)
  • Extensible app: the application can be used as a component and embedded into another app . TRXWallet is currently used into a chrome-extension version, and also in a desktop version of the application (comming soon)

Feature being implemented:

  • Participate in asset
  • Create a new asset
  • Withdraw allowance
  • Improve UI/design

Run/Build Setup

# install dependencies
yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:7070
yarn run dev

# build for production with minification
yarn run build

Changing trxplorer api url

By default, running 'yarn run dev', will suppose that you have a running instance of , trxplorer api-serverver, if you don't want to run a local instance, you can change the configuration of the url located in src/config

const conf = {
            api:"http://localhost:8383/v1" # ===> change this to https://api.trxplorer.io/v1
