2.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

ts-clean-xml v2.0.1

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6 years ago

Clean xml parser

An xml parser with a clean predictable object model, created for use with typescript (but can be used with plain javascript too).


Just install from npm. You will also need the ts-optional-type package for the return type of some of the selectors, and ts-optionals for functions that manipulate those types:

npm install ts-clean-xml ts-optionals ts-optional-type



Use the parseString function to parse some xml content:

import { parseString } from 'ts-clean-xml';

const xmlString = '<element attribute="value">Text</element>';

.then(xmlObject => console.log(xmlObject));

parseString returns a Promise that will resolve with an XmlElement.

Using the model


Represents an xml element. You can access an elements name, children and attributes. Note that the children can be a mix of other elements, and TextNodes. The name is a fully qualified xml name, in the form of an XmlName object.

You can create XmlElement objects conveniently with the element function.


An attribute on an xml element. An attribute has a name and a value. The name is a fully qualified xml name, in the form of an XmlName object.

You can create Attribute objects conveniently with the attribute function.


A TextNode is a span of text inside an element. They can be mixed with elements in some xml markups.

You can create TextNode objects conveniently with the text function.


An XmlName represents a fully qualified xml name. It has a namespace, which is most commonly a URI, and a local name. The namespace can be an empty string, if the XML markup doesn't have a namespace.

You can create 'global' names, that is names without a namespace, with the globalName function. You can create namespaced name creation functions with the namespaced function, like so:

const xhtml = namespaced('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml');
const h1Name = xhtml('h1');
const pName = xhtml('p');

The element and attribute functions also accept a string in the place of an XmlName, in which case a non-namespaced global name is created.

Query helpers

To make common actions simpler, the library includes some helper functions.


isXmlElement: returns true if the given XmlElement or TextNode is an XmlElement. For typescript this works as a type guard.

isTextNode: returns true if the given XmlElement or TextNode is a TextNode. For typescript this works as a type guard.

hasName: takes a name (XmlName or string) and an XmlElement or an Attribute and returns true if the name matches the element or attribute.

hasAttribute: takes an attribute name (XmlName or string) and an XmlElement and returns true if the element has an attribute with the given name.

hasAttributeValue: takes a string value, an attribute name (XmlName or string) and an XmlElement and returns true if the element has an attribute with the given name and value.

hasTextValue: takes a string value and an XmlElement, and returns true if the given value is the only content of the element.

hasSingleChildMatching: takes a predicate and an XmlElement and returns true if the element has exactly one child element matching the predicate

hasAnyChildMatching: takes a predicate and an XmlElement and returns true if the element has at least one element matching the predicate


getChildElements: returns all children that are elements for a given XmlElement.

getChildElementsMatching: returns all children that are elements for a given XmlElement that match the given predicate.

getChildElementsNamed: returns all children that are elements for a given XmlElement that have the given name.

getFirstChildElement: returns the first child element of the given XmlElement or None if there are no children

getFirstChildElementMatching: returns the first child element of the given XmlElement that matches the given predicate, or None if there are no matching child elements

getFirstChildElementNamed: returns the first child element of the given XmlElement that has the given name, or None if there are no child elements with that name

getSingleChildElement: returns the only child element of the given XmlElement or None if there are no or multiple children

getSingleChildElementMatching: returns the only child element of the given XmlElement that matches the given predicate, or None if there are none or multiple child matching elements

getSingleChildElementNamed: returns the only child element of the given XmlElement that has the given name, or None if there are none or multiple child elements with that name

getChildElementsByPath: given a list of names and a starting element, returns the elements that are at the end of the path formed by selecting the children named by the next name in the name list

getDescendantNodes: returns all descendant nodes for a given element, that is, all child nodes of the element, and their chidren etc. Walks through the nodes in depth first order.

getDescendantElements: returns all descendant elements for a given element, that is, all child elements of the element, and their chidren etc. Walks through the nodes in depth first order.

getDescendantElementsNamed: returns all descendant elements matching the given name for a given element. Walks through the nodes in depth first order.

getContainedText: returns all text content inside a given element, in depth first order. Like Node.textContent in the DOM.

getAttribute: returns the attribute with the given name on the given element. Returns None if the element doesn't have an attribute matching the name.

getAttributeValue: returns the value of an attribute with the given name on the given element. Returns None if the element doesn't have an attribute matching the name.


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago