1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

ts-err-ok v1.0.0

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2 years ago


Javascript exception handling leaves much to be asked. That is why this package provides a method for typesafe error handling. When combined with typescript type coercion you are left with a powerful primitive to signal the results of operations.


$ npm install ts-err-ok


Result declares your possible return values. In this case number if ok, else Error.

function divide(x: number, y: number): Result<number, Error>;

The compiler forces you to check whether the operation was successful or not.

const result = divide(10, 5);
if (result.ok()) {
  // Compiler coerces "result" into Ok<number>.
  console.log("Result" + result.val);
} else {
  // Compiler coerces "result" into Err<Error>.
  console.log("Error" + result.error);
// This results in a type error because the result has to explicitly checked before either "val" or "error" can be accessed.
console.log("Result: ", result.val);

Build result objects by using the helper functions ok() and err().

function divide(x: number, y: number): Result<number, Error> {
  if (y === 0) {
    // Use err() to construct an error result.
    return err(new Error("Division by zero"));
  } else {
    // Use ok() to oconstruct an ok result.
    return ok(x / y);


By using discriminated unions as your error types you can get very fine grained error handling. An example that parses songs out of json strings

interface Song {
  author: string;
  title: string;

interface MissingField {
  type: "MissingField";
  message: string;

interface JsonSyntaxError {
  type: "JsonSyntaxError";
  syntaxError: SyntaxError;

type SongParseError = MissingField | JsonSyntaxError;

export function parseSong(str: string): Result<Song, SongParseError> {
  try {
    const obj = JSON.parse(str);
    if (obj.author === undefined) {
      return err({
        type: "MissingField",
        message: "Author was undefined",
    if (obj.title === undefined) {
      return err({
        type: "MissingField",
        message: "Title was undefined",
    return ok(obj);
  } catch (error) {
    if (error instanceof SyntaxError) {
      return err({
        type: "JsonSyntaxError",
        syntaxError: error,
    } else {
      // Rethrow unexpected errors.
      throw error;

const res = parseSong("{[]");
if (res.ok()) {
  // "val" has type "Song".
  console.log("Song: ", res.val);
} else {
  switch (res.error.type) {
    case "MissingField":
      // "error" has type "MissingField".
      console.log("Missing field: ", res.error.message);
    case "JsonSyntaxError":
      // "error" has type "SyntaxError".
      console.log("Syntax error: ", res.error.syntaxError);




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