1.4.0 • Published 2 years ago

tscfc v1.4.0

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2 years ago

Tsconf Files Checker

A small CLI utility that helps with incrementally converting your project to typescript or to incrementally apply new rules (strictNullChecks, noImplicitAny, etc...) to existing typescript project


  • First tscfc run will output files without errors
  • Command tscfc --update include files without errors files to tsconf
  • After that, each tscfc --update checks files against tsconf files (from step 2.) and show user if anything is broken - If there are files without error, tscfc will include them to tsconf - If there are broken files (files that are already in tsconf have errors), it will output errors and exit code 1 (fail tests)


npm i -D tscfc


Run from terminal:

Usage: tscfc --project TSCONFIG_PATH SRC_PATH

Example: tscfc ./index.ts --project ../App/tsconfig.strict.json ../App/src

        --project       path to your tsconfig.json
        --verbose       print all logs, usefull for debugging
        --update        include successfiles to tsconf
        --remaining     print all remaining files

Note: In order to check javascript files, please include allowJS: true to tsconfig.

Recommended Settings

If you want to incrementally enforce some rules (e.g. noImplicitAny, strictNullChecks) create tsconfig.strict.json alongside with your tsconfig.json. Then add to tsconfig.strict.json:

  "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "noImplicitAny": true,
    "strictNullChecks": true

in package.json add pretest script, which will automatically runs before your test, to check if you broke something or not, even before test.

  "scripts": {
    "pretest": "tscfc --project ./tsconfig.strict.json ./src"