0.0.1 • Published 11 years ago

tsp v0.0.1

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Last release
11 years ago


A typescript preprocessor helper based on simple attachable plugins.

Avaliable Plugins:

  • @embed -> embeds png,svg,js,txt into a png library file.
  • @source -> adds more than one source folder to classpath.
  • @import -> use cls.ass.packages as imports. Automatically resolves relative reference paths.
  • @define -> use cls.ass.packages as definition imports. Automatically resolves relative reference paths to .d.ts files.


TypescriptPreprocessor uses many dependecies but one node-canvas needs Cairo as a backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS so:

Unless previously installed you'll need Cairo!!!.

Cairo download & instalation instructions

( Installed it with ports without problems but sometimes is a little complicated to get Cairo installed )


sudo npm install -g TypescriptPreprocessor

EMFILE max files open error

If you get an EMFILE max files open error during install. You need to CHANGE the max open files opened to a higher value with the command:

$ sudo ulimit -n 1024

This is only a temporally fix but it gets the work done!

Command line usage

Usage: tsp --root projectRootDir -source inputFile

  -r, --root     Project Root dir
  -s, --source   Source file
  -i, --install  Install Preprocessor to project

WebStorm Integration

###ToolbarIcon and ExternalTools:###

To install the ExternalTools & Toolbar integration:

  • Open Webstorm.
  • Goto to file import settings.
  • Localize the file TSPSettings.jar located at webstormSettings/TSPSettings.jar and load it.
  • Restart. Done!!

Now every time you need to process a xxxx.lib.tsp, sources.tsp or any .ts file containing @import/@define directives you can tap the new icon TS in the toolbar to get the preprocessing done ;-)

Getting started

Preparing a new TSP project

First you need to install the tool to your current project.

$ cd /path/to/your/project
$ tsp --install

A typical setup will involve adding two files to your project: config.tsp and the sources.tsp


Here you can configure some plugin preferences

	"root": "/path/to/your/project",
	"pluginData": {
		"SourcePaths": {
			"sources": [
				// Here will be the project source
				// folders where TSP will search for
				// classes & definitions
		"ImportsToReference": {
			"enableUndo": false
			//By default @import will remove the @import directive
			//after processing.
			//Set to true to leave it untouched   
		"DefinitionToReference": {
			"enableUndo": false
			//By default @define will remove the @define directive
			//after processing.
			//Set to true to leave it untouched 				


Use this file to define the TSP project sourceFolders. When TSP finds a ///@import or ///@define directive it will search across all the sourceFolders to test if it can find the import/define file.

In the next example I have defined 2 main sourceFolders: src and otherSourceFolder.

Defining multiple source folders

(for now...) Source folders must be relative to the project root

///@source /src
///@source /otherSourceFolder

Command line processing:

$ tsp --root /path/to/your/project --source sources.tsp

Embending content

To use the embed directives you must create a file named xxxx.lib.tsp.

The resulting png file name will be xxxx.lib.png

The @embed & @embedLibrary directives provides a simple way of generating a library of "media elements", allowing to embed inside the resulting png image:

Command line processing:

$ tsp --root /path/to/your/project --source /path/to/your/xxxxx.lib.tsp

@embedLibrary Usage

( You must declare the @embedLibrary before any @embed directive )

The @embedLibrary directive lets us specify:

  • The resulting library export name
  • The method for "Texture Packing"
  • The optimization method of the resulting png file

Usage inside xxxx.lib.tsp:( pay attention to the ///@embed… format )

name: The resulting library export name
sort: The method for "Texture Binary Packing"

  * maxside [Default]
  * width
  * height
  * area

compression: The optimization method of the resulting png file 

  * none
  * low
  * med
  * high
  * best

@embed Usage

( You must declare the @embed after the @embedLibrary directive )

The @embed directive lets us add an element to the current library:

///@embed { src:'sourceFile.png', member:'myPNG' }
///@embed { src:'sourceFile.js',  member:'myJS' }
///@embed { src:'sourceFile.svg', member:'mySVG_PNG', format:'png' }
///@embed { src:'sourceFile.svg', member:'mySVG_CTX', format:'ctx' }	
///@embed { src:'sourceFile.svg', member:'mySVG_CTX', format:'ctx' }

src: The source file to include
member: The exported library member name
format: Used only in svg files to specify the output format.

  * png => converts the svg to a png image and includes it in the lib.
  * ctx => converts the svg to a js file containing a class
           that you can use to render the svg to a canvas

Loading back the library

For loading back the elemens from the library you need to use the TypescriptPreprocessor-Loader library.

Example code:

$LIB.load('demo.lib.png').on(pulsar.events.Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded );
function onLoaded()
	// Reference to our current loaded library
	// Remeber that the name must correspond to the one
	// you assigned in the
	// @embedLibrary{ name:'xxxx' ...
	var myLib = $LIB('TestLibrary');
	// returns the master library png image [HTMLImageElement]
	var libraryImage = myLib.getLibImage(); 
	// returns "myCanvasElement" as a [HTMLCanvasElement] 
	var canvasElement = myLib.getCanvas("myCanvasElement");
	// returns "myImageElement" as a [HTMLImageElement]
	var myImageElement = myLib.getImage("myImageElement");
	// returns "myCustomCode" as a string
	var myCustomCode = myLib.getCode("myCustomCode");
	// returns "myShapeElement" as a pulsar.lib.shapes.Shape instance
	var myShapeElement = myLib.getShape("myShapeElement");
	// injects "myCssCode" into the DOM
	var myCssCode = myLib.injectCss("myCssCode");
	// injects "myJSCode" into the DOM
	var myJSCode = myLib.injectScript("myJSCode");


In depth TypescriptPreprocessor-Loader usage: http://xperiments.github.io/TypescriptPreprocessor/

TS Language Directives

@import & @define directives:

Translates @import @define with package names to relative ///\

///@import es.xperiments.Demo
///@define es.xperiments.Demo


///<reference path='src/es/xperiments/demo.ts'/>
///<reference path='src/es/xperiments/demo.d.ts'/>

Also you can configure the "enableUndo" property inside the tsp.config.js to let the preprocessor to no remove the original directive. This way you can easely revert to the original @import @define directive.

///@import es.xperiments.Demo
///@define es.xperiments.Demo


///<reference path='src/es/xperiments/demo.ts'/>@import es.xperiments.Demo
///<reference path='src/es/xperiments/demo.d.ts'/>@define es.xperiments.Demo 

Command line processing:

$ tsp --root /path/to/your/project --source /path/to/your/xxxxx.ts