2.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

tts-web-starter-kit v2.0.0

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Last release
2 years ago

TTS Web Starter Kit

TTS WSK is, as the name suggests, a starter kit to get you up and running with a static site generated from from Nunjucks templates and Sass. This can be use useful when you you want to build UI kits, websites or static component libraries. It is currently bundled with Bootstrap 5 but this can easily be replaced by any other framework of your choice, or just removed.


Clone the repo by running one of the following commands:

# Through SSH
git clone git@github.com:ttsftwr/tts-web-starter-kit.git

# Through https
git clone https://github.com/ttsftwr/tts-web-starter-kit.git

# Through Github CLI
gh repo clone ttsftwr/tts-web-starter-kit

Install dependencies

  • Use node v13+

  • Get Gulp

npm i -g gulp
  • Install npm deps
npm install
  • Build it
npm run build


Running the development server

Starting the app in development mode starts up a server that hot reloads your scss changes and live reloads your HTML(Nunjucks) changes. Run npm run build before your very first run to build the files that will be served.

npm start

Build for production

You can build the app for production by running the command below. This will build all your files into the /dist folder. You can change this location in build/config.js in the DISTRIBUTION_FOLDERS hash under the key root.

npm run build

Bump versions

You can bump the version by running;

npm run bump:<major|minor|patch>

which will bump the version of your app in these files;

- package.json
- package-lock.json
- version.json

Package it

You can build a compressed file with the built code by running:

npm run package

Available Commands

npm startStarts the server on your configuerd port (default 3000) and begins browsersync session
npm run set:envSets your node env to the one specified in .node-version
npm run buildBuilds your app for production in your configured folder (default docs)
npm run packageTakes contents from your built app and zips them into a folder with the configured name
npm run deployTakes contents from your built app and deploys it to Surge.sh with the configured domain name
npm run bump:<major/minor/patch>Bumps the version in the version files (version.json, pacakge.json, package-lock.json)
npm run scratchCopies the sample folder into your root with a clean slate


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago