0.2.1 • Published 1 year ago

turbo-animate v0.2.1

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Last release
1 year ago


Silky-smooth CSS animations for Turbo Drive navigation events.



$ npm add turbo-animate


Step 1

Enable animations by calling the start function:

import "@hotwired/turbo";
import * as TurboAnimate from "turbo-animate";


Step 2

Next, add data-turbo-animate to elements that you want to transition.

<main data-turbo-animate>
  This div should be animated.

Step 3

TurboAnimate will automatically add class names to your element to trigger animations. The example below will slide between screens.

Read the CSS documentation to learn more.

.turbo-advance-leave {
  animation: 200ms slide ease-out forwards;
  --translate-x: -100%;

.turbo-advance-enter {
  animation: 200ms slide ease-in forwards reverse;
  --translate-x: 100%;

.turbo-restore-leave {
  animation: 200ms slide ease-out forwards;
  --translate-x: 100%;

.turbo-restore-enter {
  animation: 200ms slide ease-in forwards reverse;
  --translate-x: -100%;

@keyframes slide {
  to {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: translate3d(var(--translate-x), 0, 0);


Turbo has three visit types (also known as "actions"):

  • advance - The default action
  • replace - Triggered by a server redirect or data-turbo-action="replace"
  • restore - Triggered by pressing the browser back button

Each animation has two phases:

  • leave - Remove existing content from the screen.
  • enter - Add new content to the screen.

TurboAnimate will apply one of the following class names to each data-turbo-animate when a Turbo visit occurs:

  • turbo-advance-leave
  • turbo-advance-enter
  • turbo-replace-leave
  • turbo-replace-enter
  • turbo-restore-enter
  • turbo-restore-leave

You'll want to make sure to use animation-fill-mode: forwards (or, the forwards shorthand property). This property ensures that after the animation finishes, the element will retain the styles from the animation's last keyframe.

Custom actions

You've seen how to animate the advance, replace, and restore actions, but what if you want a different animation to run?

First, decide if you can solve this problem using only CSS:

#specific-element.turbo-advance-leave {}
#specific-element.turbo-advance-enter {}

If that doesn't scratch your itch, you can make your own action. Here's how:

<a href="/edit" data-turbo-animate-with="pop">Edit</a>

When that link is clicked, the following classes will be applied to your data-turbo-animate elements:

.turbo-pop-leave {}
.turbo-pop-enter {}

You can also initiate this animation using JavaScript:

import { visit } from "@hotwired/turbo";
import { setNextAction } from "turbo-animate";


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago