3.3.0 • Published 9 years ago
turf-line-slice-along v3.3.0
create line segment based on start and end distance on a given line string
turf.lineSliceAlong(line, dist1, dist2, [units=kilometers])
Takes a LineString|line, a specified distance along the line to a start Point, and a specified distance along the line to a stop point and returns a subsection of the line in-between those points.
This can be useful for extracting only the part of a route between two distances.
parameter | type | description |
line | Feature.\<LineString> | input line |
dist1 | Number | distance along the line to starting point |
dist2 | Number | distance along the line to ending point |
[units=kilometers] | String | optional: can be degrees, radians, miles, or kilometers |
var line = {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {},
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
[ 7.66845703125, 45.058001435398296 ],
[ 9.20654296875, 45.460130637921004 ],
[ 11.348876953125, 44.48866833139467 ],
[ 12.1728515625, 45.43700828867389 ],
[ 12.535400390625, 43.98491011404692 ],
[ 12.425537109375, 41.86956082699455 ],
[ 14.2437744140625, 40.83874913796459 ],
[ 14.765625, 40.681679458715635 ]
var start = 12.5;
var stop = 25;
var units = 'miles';
var sliced = turf.lineSliceAlong(start, stop, line, units);
Returns Feature.<LineString>
, sliced line
Requires nodejs.
$ npm install jvrousseau/turf-line-slice-along
$ npm test
9 years ago