1.0.4 ā€¢ Published 4 years ago

turkish-columnist-crawler v1.0.4

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Last release
4 years ago

Crawl the columns on newspaper websites.

šŸ  Homepage


npm i turkish-columnist-crawler


This is a simple use case. See the Documentation section for details.

const crawler = require('turkish-columnist-crawler')

let urls = SAMPLE_URL

crawler(url, {
    date: '23 Nisan 1920', // Activate if you want to scan articles written after this date.
    last: false, // Activate only if you want the last article.
    externalParams: null, //Allows you to add things that need to be added to the return data.
    saveDisk: true, //Saves outputs to disk
    limit: -1, //Determines the maximum count of articles to be scanned. If you give -1, it scans a maximum of 100 articles.
    filePath: __dirname + '/texts', // If you set the saveDisk parameter to true, you have to give the entire Path of the folder where the files will be saved.
    strOp: false // If you use this parameter, you will see that there are spaces between all punctuation and words.

Supported Newspapers

  1. www.milliyet.com.tr
  2. www.hurriyet.com.tr
  3. www.sozcu.com.tr
  4. www.haberturk.com
  5. www.evrensel.net
  6. www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr
  7. www.turkiyegazetesi.com.tr
  8. www.fanatik.com.tr
  9. www.takvim.com.tr
  10. www.sabah.com.tr


šŸ‘¤ Omer Hamid Kamisli

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šŸ“ License

Copyright Ā© 2020 Omer Hamid Kamisli. This project is MIT licensed.

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