1.0.4 ā¢ Published 4 years ago
turkish-columnist-crawler v1.0.4
Crawl the columns on newspaper websites.
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npm i turkish-columnist-crawler
This is a simple use case. See the Documentation section for details.
const crawler = require('turkish-columnist-crawler')
let urls = SAMPLE_URL
crawler(url, {
date: '23 Nisan 1920', // Activate if you want to scan articles written after this date.
last: false, // Activate only if you want the last article.
externalParams: null, //Allows you to add things that need to be added to the return data.
saveDisk: true, //Saves outputs to disk
limit: -1, //Determines the maximum count of articles to be scanned. If you give -1, it scans a maximum of 100 articles.
filePath: __dirname + '/texts', // If you set the saveDisk parameter to true, you have to give the entire Path of the folder where the files will be saved.
strOp: false // If you use this parameter, you will see that there are spaces between all punctuation and words.
Supported Newspapers
- www.milliyet.com.tr
- www.hurriyet.com.tr
- www.sozcu.com.tr
- www.haberturk.com
- www.evrensel.net
- www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr
- www.turkiyegazetesi.com.tr
- www.fanatik.com.tr
- www.takvim.com.tr
- www.sabah.com.tr
š¤ Omer Hamid Kamisli
- Website: ohkamisli.com
- Twitter: @ohkamisli
- Github: @ohkamisli
- LinkedIn: @ohkamisli
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Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!Feel free to check issues page.
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š License
Copyright Ā© 2020 Omer Hamid Kamisli. This project is MIT licensed.
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