1.0.7 • Published 2 years ago
tw-address v1.0.7
Get TW road list by open data API.
npm i tw-address
const TWAddress = require('tw-address');
* Create new instance.
* First argument is ROC year. Available values are 107, 108, 109, 110, optional, default value: CURRENT_ROC_YEAR
* Second argument is API base url, optional, default: https://www.ris.gov.tw/rs-opendata/api/v1/datastore/ODRP049
const twAddress = new TWAddress(110);
* To get road list.
* First argument is county, required.
* Second argument is town, required.
* @type {Promise}
twAddress.getRoadList('臺北市', '中正區')
.then(roads => {
* Return data type is {string[]}
roads.forEach((road) => {
* To get roads data.
* First argument is county, optional.
* Second argument is town, optional.
* Third argument is page, optional, default: 1.
* @type {Promise}
twAddress.getAPI('臺北市', '中正區', 1)
.then(resp => {
* Response schema:
* https://github.com/hqiasjehrlb/tw-address/blob/aaba0978da90f43e3af1855050546325fef2a448/lib/roadsAPI.js#L76
* To get county list.
* @type {string[]}
const counties = TWAddress.getCountyList();
* To get town list.
* Argument <county> is required.
* @type {string[]}
const towns = TWAddress.getTownList(county);