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tw2_39wv v1.0.0

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1 year ago

Eca Vrt Disk 2012 Dvd Iso Full35 !FULL!

CLICK HERE ---> https://urlin.us/2tjMpn

by the way, the 1541 disk controller was actually one of the first controllers to support the usual disk controller protocols (ide/eide etc.). and the transfer had to be done in 16bit mode. the 1541 used its own high speed transfer protocol with a bitmapped disk. this was done because it could transfer lots of data at once, while the other protocols could only transfer one sector at a time. so the 1541 was very fast and reliable. you can read more about the 1541 disk controller in the 1541 disk controller article.

i have to laugh when i hear people being so adamant that they want shred to overwrite the target using 3 passes. it makes me think of the people that want to use only disk wipes as a means of destroying evidence. it's the same crap, just the opposite. you want to prevent it from ever happening in the first place so the only way to do that is to make it not happen. since wiping disks is so easy (read: i don't have to pay for any of this), people think they have to be able to do something about it. it's the same as when people think they have to be able to prevent someone from ever getting drunk. they can't, so they have to be able to control who gets drunk. because of that, instead of being responsible for their own actions, they think they have to control other people. they shouldn't even be having alcohol in the first place, so why should they control others for having it?

this is the sequence of events: a request is made to read or write data on the disk the controller determines whether the data is on the front or the back of the disk the controller sends the data to the right side the disk rotates the disk as necessary so that the data is now on the front side the disk rotates the disk as necessary so that the data is now on the back side the disk rotates the disk as necessary so that the data is now on the front side 84d34552a1


1 year ago