1.3.0 • Published 9 years ago
tweetify v1.3.0
The tweet-formatting module to make it easy
npm install tweetify
var tweetify = require('tweetify');
var tweet = {
text: 'this is my really long tweet that i want the ENTIRE world to read no matter what if you know what i mean and i think you know exactly what i mean every single time',
// (optional) allows you to specify
// how the tweet should be prefixed. i.e. if you want
// '{Blog Post}: ' in front of your tweet, the below
// spec will give you that
prefix: {
container: 'curley-brackets', // or 'brackets' for []
text: 'Blog Post',
divider: ': ' // other example... ' - ', ' :: ', etc.
// (optional)
hashtags: ['javascript', 'node'], // don't need a prefixing '#'
// (optional) if you only want a single tweet (truncated if too many
// chars) then either don't defined 'wrap' or set it to
// false. but if you want all of the text to be tweeted
// then set 'wrap' to true and overflow text will be broken
// into multiple tweets
wrap: true,
// (optional) if you want to add a link to the tweet then specify
// it here. you can also opt to have it wrap to all wrapped
// tweets. if wrap is undefined or false then the link will only
// be displayed for the first tweet
link: {
url: '<your_url>',
wrap: true // optional, defaults to false
var tweets = tweetify(tweet);
for (var i = 0; i < tweets.length; i++) {