2.2.0 • Published 4 years ago

twitch-oauth-authorization-code-express v2.2.0

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4 years ago

Twitch OAuth Authorization Code Express

This module has code that provides an easily configurable method to set up an OAuth endpoint, as described here.

This module also provides a method to refresh using the refresh token.

See src/test.ts for an example of how to use this library.


To run the test code, first clone this repo.

Install TypeScript (npm i -g typescript).

Copy config.example.env; fill it with the required details (secret, client id, and the session secret, and redirect uri).

Install required packages (npm install).

Build the test script, as well as the library (npm run build-test)

Run the test script (npm run test).

Connect on localhost:3000 to test the authentication flow.

After you get an access token, you can connect to localhost:3000/refresh to refresh the OAuth token.