1.0.2 • Published 7 years ago

twitte v1.0.2

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Last release
7 years ago


A command line Twitter client

Build Status npm version

This is a companion project to the Pluralsight course "Building Command Line Applications in Node.js"

There are branches to represent the state of the project at various points along the course:

  • module-2-start The end of module 1 / start of module 2
  • module-3-start The end of module 2 / start of module 3
  • module-4-start The end of module 3 / start of module 4
  • module-5-start The end of module 4 / start of module 5
  • module-5-complete The end of module 5 (and the course)

You can install the latest version by running npm install @pofallon/twine. Note that over time this version may contain features not covered in the Pluralsight course.

To use the twine CLI: 1. Login and create an application on apps.twitter.com 2. Run twine configure consumer and enter your application's consumer key and secret 3. Run twine configure account and follow the instructions 4. Run twine lookup [screen_name] to try looking up a Twitter user

Have an idea for some additional commands? PRs are welcome!