1.0.3 • Published 7 years ago

twitter2pg-cli v1.0.3

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Last release
7 years ago


Richard Wen

Command line tool for extracting Twitter data to PostgreSQL databases

npm version Build Status npm GitHub license Twitter


  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install twitter2pg-cli via npm
npm install -g twitter2pg-cli

For the latest developer version, see Developer Install.


Get help:

twitter2pg --help

Open documentation in web browser:

twitter2pg doc twitter2pg
twitter2pg doc twitter
twitter2pg doc pg

See twitter2pg for programmatic usage.

Environment File

Create a template .env file for Twitter and PostgreSQL details:

twitter2pg file path/to/.env

Set default for the .env file:

  • Every twitter2pg command will now use the designated .env file
twitter2pg set file path/to/.env

PostgreSQL Query

Send a query to a PostgreSQL database after defining and setting the default Environment File.

The usage examples require a table named twitter_data which can be created with the command below:

twitter2pg query "CREATE TABLE twitter_data(tweets jsonb);"


Setup default twitter options:

  1. Set Twitter REST method (one of get, post, delete or stream)
  2. Set Twitter path
  3. Set Twitter parameters for path
twitter2pg set twitter.method get
twitter2pg set twitter.path search/tweets
twitter2pg set twitter.params "{\"q\":\"twitter\"}"

Setup default PostgreSQL options:

  1. Set table to store received Twitter data
  2. Set column to store received Twitter data
  3. Set insert query for received Twitter data
  4. Set jsonata filter before inserting
twitter2pg set pg.table twitter_data
twitter2pg set pg.column tweets
twitter2pg set pg.query "INSERT INTO $options.pg.table($options.pg.column) SELECT * FROM json_array_elements($1);"
twitter2pg set jsonata statuses

Extract Twitter data into PostgreSQL table given setup options:

twitter2pg > log.csv

Stream API

Setup default twitter options:

  1. Set Twitter stream method
  2. Set Twitter path
  3. Set Twitter stream parameters
twitter2pg set twitter.method stream
twitter2pg set twitter.path statuses/filter
twitter2pg set twitter.params "{\"track\":\"twitter\"}"

Setup default PostgreSQL options:

  1. Set table to store streamed Twitter data
  2. Set column to store streamed Twitter data
  3. Set insert query for streamed Twitter data
  4. Set jsonata filter before inserting
twitter2pg set pg.table twitter_data
twitter2pg set pg.column tweets
twitter2pg set pg.query "INSERT INTO $options.pg.table($options.pg.column) VALUES($1);"
twitter2pg set jsonata statuses

Stream Twitter data into PostgreSQL table given setup options:

twitter2pg > log.csv

Stream Twitter data into a PostgreSQL table as a service:

  1. Save a node runnable script of the current options
  2. Install pm2 (npm install pm2 -g)
  3. Use pm2 to run the saved script as a service
twitter2pg save path/to/script.js
pm2 start path/to/script.js
pm2 save


The logs are in the following Comma-Separated Values (CSV) format:

  • time_iso8601: Time and date in ISO 8601 format
  • status: Status of the log
  • message: Relevant messages
  • json: JSON object containing relevant debugging information


Report Contributions

Reports for issues and suggestions can be made using the issue submission interface.

When possible, ensure that your submission is:

  • Descriptive: has informative title, explanations, and screenshots
  • Specific: has details of environment (such as operating system and hardware) and software used
  • Reproducible: has steps, code, and examples to reproduce the issue

Code Contributions

Code contributions are submitted via pull requests:

  1. Ensure that you pass the Tests
  2. Create a new pull request
  3. Provide an explanation of the changes

A template of the code contribution explanation is provided below:

## Purpose

The purpose can mention goals that include fixes to bugs, addition of features, and other improvements, etc.

## Description

The description is a short summary of the changes made such as improved speeds or features, and implementation details.

## Changes

The changes are a list of general edits made to the files and their respective components.
* `file_path1`:
    * `function_module_etc`: changed loop to map
    * `function_module_etc`: changed variable value
* `file_path2`:
    * `function_module_etc`: changed loop to map
    * `function_module_etc`: changed variable value

## Notes

The notes provide any additional text that do not fit into the above sections.

For more information, see Developer Install and Implementation.

Developer Notes

Developer Install

Install the latest developer version with npm from github:

npm install -g git+https://github.com/rrwen/twitter2pg-cli

Install from git cloned source:

  1. Ensure git is installed
  2. Clone into current path
  3. Install via npm
git clone https://github.com/rrwen/twitter2pg-cli
cd twitter2pg-cli
npm -g install


  1. Clone into current path git clone https://github.com/rrwen/twitter2pg-cli
  2. Enter into folder cd twitter2pg-cli
  3. Ensure devDependencies are installed and available
  4. Run tests with a .env file (see tests/README.md)
  5. Results are saved to tests/log with each file corresponding to a version tested
npm install
npm test

Upload to Github

  1. Ensure git is installed
  2. Inside the twitter2pg-cli folder, add all files and commit changes
  3. Push to github
git add .
git commit -a -m "Generic update"
git push

Upload to npm

  1. Update the version in package.json
  2. Run tests and check for OK status
  3. Login to npm
  4. Publish to npm
npm test
npm login
npm publish


The module twitter2pg uses the following npm packages for its implementation:

yargsCommand line builder and parser
twitter2pgExtracts Twitter data to PostgreSQL
dotenvLoad environmental variables from a file
opnOpen online browser documentation
pgSend queries to PostgreSQL database
   |--- twitter2pg   <-- default command
   |--- dotenv       <-- file
   |--- opn          <-- doc
   |--- pg           <-- query