1.0.0-beta.0.0.6 • Published 7 years ago

twreporter-registration v1.0.0-beta.0.0.6

Weekly downloads
Last release
7 years ago

TW Reporter Registration Package

Host Project Environment

  • The host project need to contain following dependency:

    1. react
    2. redux
    3. react-router
    4. express server
  • Note(deprecated): The package work with next.js


npm i --save twreporter-registration

Work Flow

Sign Up Account

  1. User sign up
  2. API obtain data and inform database to add new account.
  3. API send activation email to registered account.
  • email link contain authorized token and user's email address.
  1. User click customized link and activate account.
  2. API return authorized info and the app store(action) info in localStorage.

Sig In with TWReporter(TWR) Account

  1. User Sign in.
  2. API obtain data, send request to database.
  3. API return auth info. The app store(action) info in localStroage.

Sign In with oAuth(Facebook, Google)

  1. User Sign in.
  2. Data from front-end App -> API -> Database
  3. API return auth info and redirect page to home page.
  • medium of auth info is cookie.
  • order of medium
    1. cookie
    2. redux state
    3. local storage

Usage js

React-Router Setting

  • If user can't pass AuthScreen, the app will be rediected automatically according to the provided redirectPath.
import SignIn from '../containers/SignIn'
import SignUp from '../containers/SignUp'
import Activation from '../containers/Activation'
import Features from '../containers/features'
import AuthenticationScreen from 'twreporter-registration'

export default function (history = browserHistory) {
  return (
    <Router history={history} onUpdate={scrollAndFireTracking} >
      <Route path="/topics/:slug" component={TopicLandingPage} />
      <Route path="/" component={Home} />
      <Route path="/" component={App}>
        <Route path="signup" component={SignUp} />
        <Route path="signin" component={SignIn} />
        <Route path="activate" component={Activation} />
        <Route path="features" component={AuthenticationScreen(Features)} redirectPath={'/signin'} />

Sign Up

import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { SignUpForm } from 'twreporter-registration'

const SignUp = (props) => (

export default connect()(SignUp)

Sign In

import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { SignInForm, FacebookButton, GoogleButton } from 'twreporter-registration'

const SignIn = (props) => (
    signInRedirectPath = {'/'}
    <FacebookButton />
    <GoogleButton />

export default connect()(SignIn)

Sign Out

  • Sign out action will remove localStorage auth info and change redux state
import { Link } from 'react-router'
import { signOutAction } from 'twreporter-registration'

<Link to={`/${memberConfigs.path}`} onClick={() => {signOutAction()}}>
  <div>Click here to sign out</div>


import React from 'react'
import { ActivePage } from 'twreporter-registration'
import { browserHistory } from 'react-router'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'

const Activation = (props) => (

React Reducer

import { authReducer, configureReducer } from 'twreporter-registration'

const registrationInitialState = {
  apiUrl: '',
  signUp: '',
  signIn: '',
  activate: '',
  oAuthProviders: {
    google: '',
    facebook: ''
  location: '',
  domain: '',
const ConfigureReducer = configureReducer(registrationInitialState)

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  authConfigure: ConfigureReducer,
  auth: authReducer,

export default rootReducer

Server Side

  • obtain oAuth data from cookie and pass it to redux state.
  • setup authentication api server url, path(endpoints).
import cookieParser from 'cookie-parser'
import { configureAction, authUserAction, authInfoStringToObj } from 'twreporter-registration'


// The following procedure is for OAuth (Google/Facebook)
// setup token to redux state from cookies
if (req.query.login) {
  const authType = req.query.login
  const cookies = req.cookies
  const authInfoString = cookies.auth_info
  const authInfoObj = authInfoStringToObj(authInfoString)
  store.dispatch(authUserAction(authType, authInfoObj))
// setup authentication api server url and endpoints
const registrationConfigure = {
  apiUrl: 'http://localhost:8080',
  signUp: '/v1/signup',
  signIn: '/v1/login',
  activate: '/v1/activate',
  oAuthProviders: {
    google: '/v1/auth/google',
    facebook: '/v1/auth/facebook'
  location: 'http://testtest.twreporter.org:3000',
  domain: 'twreporter.org'

Enter Point of the Project

  • TWR Ex: src/index.js
import { setupTokenInLocalStorage, deletAuthInfoAction, authUserByTokenAction } from 'twreporter-registration'

// Check if token existed in localStorage and expired
// token can be stored in localStorage in two scenario
// 1. oAuth
// 2. TWReporter account sign in
const { auth } = store.getState()
if(auth.authenticated && auth.authInfo && (auth.authType=== 'facebook' || auth.authType==='google')) {

// 7 = 7 days
store.dispatch(authUserByTokenAction(7, auth.authType))
  .then(() => {})
  .catch(() => {})

Next.js Example

class SignIn extends React.Component {
  static getInitialProps ({ store }) {
    const registrationConfigure = {
      apiUrl: 'http://testtest.twreporter.org:8080',
      signUp: '/v1/signup',
      signIn: '/v1/login',
      activate: '/v1/activate',
      oAuthProviders: {
        google: '/v1/auth/google',
        facebook: '/v1/auth/facebook'
      location: 'http://testtest.twreporter.org:3000',
      domain: 'twreporter.org'

  render() {
    return (
        title={'Sign In to Newsletter'}


npm run dev   //development mode
npm run build //production mode

//Hard reload development without npm link
CUSTOMER_FOLDER=/Users/hanReporter/Documents/twReporter_frontEnd/twreporter-react npm run dev
  • advice for developer/programmer: You can program in es2015 + es2017 and only need to edit files in src directory. All files will be transpiled through babel-preset-es2017 and transferred to lib directory.

  • TO DO create next version of active page