1.2.4 • Published 11 months ago

type-identity v1.2.4

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Last release
11 months ago


Type Identity is a powerful and highly customizable authentication and authrozation and access-control framework. It is the de-facto standard for securing Type Script api beta release


To deploy this project run

  npm run   type-identity


1- initialize database configuration (this step is required)

export class dbConfig extends IDbConstraint {
    type: String = "mssql";
    host: String = "localhost";
    username: any = "mms";
    password: any = "mms";
    database: any = "TypeIdentity";
    constructor() {
        this.setUserEntity(CustomUser) //this is option if you want to add new columns in user entity : note this CustomUser will be create on  step number 10 below

2- initialize type identity framework database configuration (this step is required)

//this step is not required but if you want to change cookies configuration such as name etc...
export class customCookiesConfig extends CookiesConfiguration{

    name="saeed2022"; //cookies name
    loginPage="/login"; //unauthorize  redirect page
    successfullyPage="https://www.linkedin.com/in/saeed-mohammed-al-obidi-289082147/" //success Page

export async function initTypeIdentity() {

    new TypeIdentity()
        .seCookiesConfig(customCookiesConfig) // note this section  is dependency if you want custmize your cookies data

3- migration type identity table in database (first when you want add type identity table)

//call this function 
  export async function Migration() {
    await new TypeIdentity().migrationConfig()


4- create new Roles

  export async function createRoles() {

    const _Admin = new IdentityRoles()
    _Admin.name = "admin"

    const _Guest = new IdentityRoles()
    _Guest.name = "guest"

    const _role_manager = new RoleManager<IdentityRoles, IdentityRoleClaims>().build()
    const vaue1 = await _role_manager.addAsync(_Admin)
    const vaue2 = await _role_manager.addAsync(_Guest)

    console.log(vaue1, vaue2)

5- create new Permisstion

export async function createPermisstion() {
    const _role_manager = new RoleManager<IdentityRoles, IdentityRoleClaims>().build()

    const _Admin = await _role_manager.getRolesByNameAsync("admin")
    const _Guest = await _role_manager.getRolesByNameAsync("guest")

    //admin Permisstion
    const read_Permisstion_admin = new IdentityRoleClaims()
    read_Permisstion_admin.roleId = _Admin.id;
    read_Permisstion_admin.claimType = "permisstion"
    read_Permisstion_admin.claimValue = "Read"

    const writePermisstion_admin = new IdentityRoleClaims()
    writePermisstion_admin.roleId = _Admin.id;
    writePermisstion_admin.claimType = "permisstion"
    writePermisstion_admin.claimValue = "Write"

    //admin Permisstion
    const read_ermisstion_guest = new IdentityRoleClaims()
    read_ermisstion_guest.roleId = _Admin.id;
    read_ermisstion_guest.claimType = "permisstion"
    read_ermisstion_guest.claimValue = "Read"

    const vaue1 = await _role_manager.addPermisstionAsync(read_Permisstion_admin)
    const vaue2 = await _role_manager.addPermisstionAsync(writePermisstion_admin)
    const vaue3 = await _role_manager.addPermisstionAsync(read_ermisstion_guest)
    console.log(vaue1, vaue2, vaue3)

6-create new user

export async function createUser() {

    const _user = new CustomUser()
    _user.name = "saeed mohammed alabidi"
    _user.userName = "saeed1adm@gmail.com"
    _user.passwordHash = "SAEED"

    const _user_manager = await new UserManager<CustomUser, IdentityUserClaims>().build()
    const vaue = await _user_manager.addAsync(_user)

7-assign Role To User

export async function assignRoleToUser() {
    const _role_manager = new RoleManager<IdentityRoles, IdentityRoleClaims>().build()
    const _user_manager = new UserManager<CustomUser, IdentityUserClaims>().build()

    const admin = await _role_manager.getRolesByNameAsync("guest")
    const user = await _user_manager.FindByUserNameAsync("saeed1adm@gmail.com")
    user.RoleId = admin.id
    user.RoleName = admin.name
    const vaue = await _user_manager.updateAsync(user)

8-signIn: this can call when user login

export async function signIn(req, res) {
    const _role_manager = new RoleManager<IdentityRoles, IdentityRoleClaims>().build()
    const _user_manager = new UserManager<CustomUser, IdentityUserClaims>().build()
    const _sign_manager = new SignManager<CustomUser, IdentityRoleClaims>().build(req, res)
    const user = await _user_manager.FindByUserNameAsync("saeed1adm@gmail.com")
    _sign_manager.SignInAsync(user, true)

9-signOut: this can call when user logout

export async function signOut(req, res) {

    var _sign_manager = new SignManager<CustomUser, IdentityRoleClaims>().build(req, res)
    await _sign_manager.SignOutAsync()

9- create custom user entity or any type identity entity

 /** note you must Donwload typeorm from npn 
  *  npm i typeorm
export default class CustomUser extends Users<IdentityUserClaims,IdentityUserLogins,IdentityUserTokens,IdentityRoles>{
    @Column("int", { name: "countryId", nullable: true })
    countryId: Number | null = 1

call type on api

1- create Controller

  *  this class have services that consume the request 

import { AuthorizeType } from "type-identity/Idenitiy/Services/AuthorizeServices";
import { Authorize } from "type-identity/Core/Annotation/Authorize";
export default class UserInfo{

    admin(req, res){
      res.send('is Authorize to go as admin')

    write(req, res){
      res.send('is Authorize to write')

    quest(req, res){
      res.send('is Authorize to go as  quest')


1- create endpoint used express.js

 /** create file call api.ts
import UserInfo from "../Controller.ts/UserInfo";
import { initTypeIdentity, signIn, signOut } from "../Services/main";

const cors = require('cors');//this required
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser')//this required
const express = require('express')//this required
const app = express()  //this required
app.use(cookieParser()) //this required
app.use(cors()) //this required


app.get('/signIn', async (req, res) => {
    await signIn(req, res)

app.get('/signOut', async (req, res) => {
    signOut(req, res)

 * this endpoint allow for admin if you try to go as guest you will get 401 

app.get('/adminPermisstin', async (req, res) => {
    new UserInfo().admin(req, res)

 * this endpoint allow for quest 

app.get('/quest', async (req, res) => {
    new UserInfo().quest(req, res)

 * any one have write Policy

app.get('/quest', async (req, res) => {
    new UserInfo().write(req, res)

const port = 3334
app.listen(port, () => {
    console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`)

🔗 Links

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🚀 About Me

Saeed Mohammed Al-abidi saeed1adm@gmail.com l woud description my self as some one who interesting on building software and frameworks, starting from Design & Architecture, up to implementation and test