1.0.10 • Published 2 years ago

typed-react-navigator v1.0.10

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2 years ago

React Typed Navigator

This is a nested router solution meant as a replacement for react-navigation, with a focus on performance and type correctness.

First define your routes in a nested manner (typically in a router.tsx file or the like) to create your Navigator and navigation functions. Next, render your Navigator at the root of your app. Finally, use the navigation constants and functions exported from your route definition (e.g. the exports defined in router.tsx) to interact with the router, navigate, get params, etcetera.

The architecture lends itself to aggressive performance optimization since navigators do not need to pass a navigation prop to their children (unlike most solutions). Because of this, we can enable two performance optimzations: (1) navigators are wrapped with React.memo to prevent unnecessary re-renders and (2) We "freeze" not-currently-visible routes to prevent their render functions from firing.

Basic Example:

import { Button, Text, View } from "react-native";
import { createTypedReactNavigator, createRouteDefinition, ParamTypes, lazy } from "typed-react-navigator";
const routeDef = createRouteDefinition({
  //Declare the type of root navigator. Options are "switch" or "stack"
  type: "switch",
  //Declare the routes that live under the root navigator
  routes: {
    //The login route. Is also the initial route since it comes first in the object
    login: {
      //Type "leaf" for the login route which means it does have any nested navigators. Note that most complex apps have nested navigators.
      type: "leaf",
      Component: () => {
        return (
          <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
            <Text>Login Page</Text>
              onPress={() => {
                //On click, navigate to the main route with { someParam: 123 }
                navigate(PATHS.main, { someParam: 123 });
    //The main route
    main: {
      //The main route is also a leaf route
      type: "leaf",
      params: {
        //Anytime the main route is navigated to there MUST be a someParam parameter defined that is a number
        someParam: ParamTypes.number(),
      Component: () => {
        //Call the useParams method to get the param, and ensure you specify which router path you expect
        //this component to be rendered under. In this case the main route
        const { someParam } = useParams(PATHS.main);
        return (
          <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>

//Export all the key functions and constants you will use throughout your app. These will be FULLY TYPED using the shape of your route definition
const { Navigator, PATHS, goBack, navigate, useParams } = createTypedReactNavigator(routeDef);

export function App() {
  //Render the navigator at the root of your app
  return <Navigator />;

More Complex Example

import React from "react";
import { Button, Text, View } from "react-native";

import { createTypedReactNavigator, createRouteDefinition, ParamTypes } from "typed-react-navigator";
const routeDef = createRouteDefinition({
  type: "switch",
  routes: {
    login: {
      type: "leaf",
      //Note that
      Component: lazy(() => import("./Login")),
    main: {
      type: "switch",
      //`keepChildrenMounted` makes previously rendered but currently inactive screens stay mounted. The default behavior is to unmount them.
      keepChildrenMounted: true,
      Wrapper: lazy(() => import("./MainLayout")),
      routes: {
        tab_1: {
          type: "stack",
          routes: {
            tab_1_stack_home: {
              type: "leaf",
              Component: lazy(() => import("./Tab1StackHome")),
            tab_1_stack_screen: {
              type: "leaf",
              params: {
                //This parameter can be used by any subroute
                someParam: ParamTypes.number(),
        tab_2: {
          type: "leaf",
          Component: lazy(() => import("./Tab2")),

//NOTE EXPORTS BELOW! These are how params will be consumed and navigation will occur.
export const { Navigator, PATHS, goBack, navigate, useParams } = createTypedReactNavigator(routeDef);

import { Navigator } from "./router.tsx";
export function App() {
  return <Navigator />;

import { PATHS, navigate } from "./router.tsx";

export default function Login() {
  return (
    <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
      <Text>This is the Login Page</Text>
        onPress={() => {
          navigate(PATHS.main.tab_1.tab_1_stack_home, {});
        title="Click to Login"

import { View, Button, Text } from "react-native";
import { PATHS, navigate } from "../Router.js";
export default function MainTabBar() {
  return (
    <View style={{ height: 50, flex: 1 }}>
        title="Tab 1"
        onPress={() => {
          navigate(PATHS.main.tab_1.tab_1_stack_home, {});
        title="Tab 2"
        onPress={() => {
          navigate(PATHS.main.tab_2, {});

import { View, Button, Text } from "react-native";
import { PATHS, navigate } from "../Router.js";
export default function Tab1StackHome() {
  return (
    <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
      <Text>Tab 1</Text>
        onPress={() => {
          navigate(PATHS.main.tab_1.tab_1_stack_screen, { someParam: 123 });
        title="Push Stack Screen"

import { goBack, useParams } from "./router.tsx";
export default function Tab1StackScreen() {
  const { someParam } = useParams(PATHS.main.tab_1.tab_1_stack_screen);
  return (
    <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
      <Text>Tab 1 Stack Screen ({someParam})</Text>
        onPress={() => {
        title="Go Back"

export default function Tab2() {
  return (
    <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
      <Text>Tab 2</Text>