1.0.10 • Published 3 years ago

types-puntoscolombia v1.0.10

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Last release
3 years ago

To configure each project

When creating a react project that will live in the world of vtex, please base your project on hello-react-ts and also Follow the following recommendations:

  1. Change the project's tsconfig to thehello-react-ts.

  2. Add tsconfig-types (it is inhello-react-ts).

  3. Create index.ts in react root (only if other projects still don't call that index).

  4. Add index.ts in the vtexigniore (only if other projects still don't call that index).


  • CAUTION react / index.ts CAUTION *

react / tsconfig-types.json react / mocks react / tests react / tslint react / sonar-project.properties ''

  1. Add generated types folder (project must be called the same and found in the root of / react) to gitignore.

  2. Add .prettierrc,tslint.json, library to validate hooks rule (all these files are in hello-react-ts)

'' yarn add tslint-react-hooks ''

  1. Correct typings folder, delete unnecessary things and try to carry the following format:

'' typings: │ .D files.d.ts .D index.d.ts │ global.d.ts (only if you are going to use declare global) │ Iblibs .D index.d.ts │ react-select.d.ts (create files by library, if there is more than one type of said library, but all put it in index.d.ts) │ Texvtex index.d.ts vtex.store-components.d.ts (create files per component, if there is more than one type of said component, but all put it in index.d.ts) ''

To work in the typings folder

Please follow the following rules:

  • There are 2 proposed folders libs and vtex and the root (could be more but with arguments).

  • The libs folder is intended for all those types related to third-party libraries that do not have types, Most of these libraries already have their own types in the original repository or in the DefinitelyTyped repository on github.

  • In libs / index.d.ts put onlydeclare module 'name-of-your-library';if you want to be more specific and define more types of a library like for example something like this:

    js declare module 'react-select / lib / components / containers' { export {ValueContainerProps}; } ''

    In this case it is valid to create a new file inside the libs folder with the name of your library, in the case of the previous example createlibs / react-select.d.ts.

  • The vtex folder is intended for all types related to vtex projects, most of which are in vtex-apps github vtex-apps and in vtex github.

  • The idea is that in the vtex folder we add only the types of projects that are not already typed in this repository, such as the project vtex.render-runtime which must be manually defined invtex / index.d.ts as declare module 'vtex.render-runtime'; since this is quite complicated to generate types for it automatically.

  • Apply rule # 3 equally for the vtex / index.d.ts file.

  1. Make link in vtex of the project and correct errors.

  2. Add script to package.json (yarn get-types) and run it.

json "get-types": "rm -rf colombianpoints. $ {project name} && tsc -p tsconfig-types.json --outDir colombianpoints. $ {project name}" ''

  1. Document changes in manifest andCHANGELOG.

  2. Install type library.

'' yarn add -D types-puntocolombia ''

If you have any doubt or improvement with what is proposed, please do not hesitate to discuss it with the team.


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