0.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

typescript-unkown-parser v0.1.0

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3 years ago

TypeScript Unkown Parser 🃏

TypeScript is a great tool for statically enforcing correct types at compile time, but this can quickly become a false security when dealing with unkown data from the "outside world".

typescript-unknown-parser uses ES6 classes to parse unknown objects, and throws en error if

  • required properties are missing
  • properties (required and non-required) are of wrong type.


npm i typescript-unknown-parser


  1. Make a class with expected typed properties. Extend it by UnknownParser imported from typescript-unknown-parser, and pass the class as a generic type argument.
  2. Call super(data, 'MyClass') with the unknown data and the name of the class
  3. Set all properties with the protected functions: getPrimitive, getIsoDate, getArray, getStringAsEnumKey, getArrayOfEnumKeys
import UnknownParser from 'typescript-unknown-parser';

enum MyEnum {

class MyClass extends UnknownParser<MyClass> {
    myString?: string;
    myRequiredString: string;
    myRequiredArray: unknown[];
    myRequiredEnum: keyof typeof MyEnum;
    myRequiredEnumArray: (keyof typeof MyEnum)[];

    constructor(data: any) {
        super(data, 'MyClass'); // Pass the name of the class as the second parameter
        this.myString = this.getPrimitive('myString', 'string');
        this.myRequiredString = this.getPrimitive('myRequiredString', 'string', 'REQUIRED');
        this.myRequiredArray = this.getArray('myRequiredArray', 'REQUIRED'); // yields unknown[]
        this.myRequiredEnum = this.getEnum(MyEnum, 'myRequiredEnum', 'REQUIRED');
        this.myRequiredEnumArray = this.getArrayOfEnum(MyEnum, 'myRequiredEnumArray', 'REQUIRED');

Then, in your application, parse unknown data by calling the MyClass constructor

    .then((res) => res.json())
    .then((data: unknown) => {
        const myObject = new MyClass(data);
        // myObject is now guaranteed to be of type MyClass at runtime
    .catch((e) => {
        console.error(e); // TypeError is thrown if the data does not conform to the expected class interface


Keep in mind that the API can change at any time before hitting version 1.0.0.

Trade-offs and limitations

This library is not designed with memory efficiency in mind, as it does increase the size of the class-instance becuase of the added functions in the UnknownParser class. It does, however, try to developer friendly by presenting a familiar API trough class syntax. This library might not be suitable for you if