0.0.2 • Published 4 years ago
typesense-mongodb v0.0.2
Typesense MongoDB Intergration
A CLI to sync documents from a MongoDB collection to Typesense.
npm install -g typesense-mongodb
- Make sure you are running MongoDB instance in a replica set. Or convert your standalone MongoDB instance to MongoDB replica set.
- We highly recommend that you stop writes to your MongoDB collection until you get a message from the process.
- If you are familiar with Typesense, it has an option to mark certain fields as facets. If you would like to use this feature, create your own Typesense collection and pass the collection name as an argument.
typesense-mongodb \
--mongo-collection=collection \
--mongo-database=database \
--typesense-collection=collection \
--mongo-url=mongodb://localhost:27017 \
--typesense-url=http://localhost:8108 \
Parameter | Default | Description |
--mongo-database | database | MongoDB database name |
--mongo-collection | collection | MongoDB collection name |
--mongo-url | mongodb://localhost:27017 | MongoDB instance URI along with username and passsword |
--typesense-collection | collection | Typesense collection name |
--typesense-url | http://localhost:8108 | Typesense endpoint URL |
--typesense-api-key | xyz | Typesense API key |
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4 years ago