1.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

typogen v1.0.0

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Last release
5 years ago


Introduce configurable typos into a string.


// Require the project
const Typo = require('typogen').Typo;

// This library will load a default config unless one is specified
// See bellow for the details of the config structure
var config = require('./defaults.json');

// Create the Typo object
var typo = new Typo(config);

// Take a string
let string = "This is a common string. There are some things we could misspell. Don't forget it's random!";

// Introduce typos at random
string = typo.introduceTypos(string);



  • typoRate is in 10ths of a percent. 1 = 0.1%, 10 = 1%, 100 = 10%.
  • typoCommas is to forget commas
  • typoApostrophes is to forget apostrophes
  • typoCase is to forget to capitalize
  • speechParts.string is the word to be misspelled
  • speechParts.typos are the randomly chosen typos to introduce

Json Configuration,

  "typoRate": 100,
  "typoCommas": true,
  "typoApostrophes": true,
  "typoCase": true,
  "speechParts": [
      "string": "they're",
      "typos": [
      "string": "theyre",
      "typos": [
      "string": "their",
      "typos": [
      "string": "there",
      "typos": [
      "string": "your",
      "typos": [
      "string": "youre",
      "typos": [
      "string": "you're",
      "typos": [
      "string": "you",
      "typos": [
      "string": "ei",
      "typos": [
      "string": "ie",
      "typos": [
      "string": "ai",
      "typos": [
      "string": "ia",
      "typos": [
      "string": "qu",
      "typos": [

Javascript Configuration

var config = {
    typoRate: 100,
    typoCommas: true,
    typoApostrophes: true,
    typoCase: true,
    speechParts: [
            string: "they're",
            typos: [
            string: "theyre",
            typos: [
            string: "their",
            typos: [
            string: "there",
            typos: [
            string: "your",
            typos: [
            string: "youre",
            typos: [
            string: "you're",
            typos: [
            string: "you",
            typos: [
            string: "ei",
            typos: [
            string: "ie",
            typos: [
            string: "ai",
            typos: [
            string: "ia",
            typos: [
            string: "qu",
            typos: [