0.0.7 • Published 6 years ago

uboss v0.0.7

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6 years ago


This module provides an interface to declaratively defines your methods.

At its simplest form you simply pass a list of unary functions (functions should take a single argument, which throughout this document is called request ) and you get back an object that exposes those functions as methods that wraps the result of the original method around a Promise.

Functions must either return a value, a Promise and can throw errors both synchronously and asynchronously.

const U = require('uboss')();

const methods = {
  upper: data => data.toUpperCase(),
  lower: data => data.toLowerCase(),
  notUsed: data => data

// configure the methods you want to expose
const config = {
  methods: {
      upper: {},
      lower: {}

// load available methods
U.load({ methods });

// load configuration
U.load({ config });

// build API
const API = U.compose();

API.upper('ciao').then(console.log); // => 'CIAO'
API.lower('ciao').then(console.log); // => 'ciao'
API.notUsed('ciao') // => Throw synchronously : TypeError: API.notUsed is not a function
API.nonExisting('ciao') // => Throw synchronously : TypeError: API.nonExisting is not a function

This is not very useful yet but it is the building block to provide additional capabilities. Enter Middlewares.

Please Note methods are loaded by name, so if you load 2 methods with the same name the latter will be the one to be configured.


You can define middlewares functions, load them into uboss and reference them within the config file to create a pipeline of functions.

There are 2 different middleware phases: beforeInvoke and afterInvoke, respectively executed before or after the method being invoked. Clearly beforeInvoke middlewares should expect a Request argument as input.

afterInvoke is executed after the response has been sent to the caller, hence it cannot modify the response object. It will be called with both request and response objects.

Each Middleware can either modify the request/response and pass it along to the next function, throw an error that will be bubble up as is to the caller or interrupt the pipeline execution and return a value directly to the caller.

The first argument of a middleware will be the Request/Response, while the second argument is a function that can be used to interrupt the pipeline and optionally return a value to the caller. (does not apply to afterInvoke middlewares which are called with request and response)

Middlewares must either return a value, a Promise and can throw errors both synchronously and asynchronously

As each middleware return value will be fed as the next middleware input middlewares, like methods, middlewares must be unary functions.

This does not apply to afterInvoke middlewares which are executed in parallel!

Please Note middlewares are loaded by name, so if you load 2 middlewares with the same name the latter will be the one to be configured.

const U = require('uboss')();

const methods = {
  upper: data => data.toUpperCase(),
  lower: data => data.toLowerCase(),
  notUsed: data => whatever(data),
  ciao: name => 'ciao ' + name

const middlewares = {
  duplicate: data => data + data,
  interrupt: (data, res) => res('hello')

// configure the methods you want to expose
const config = {
  methods: {
    upper: {
      middlewares: {
        beforeInvoke: [
    lower: {
      middlewares: {
        afterInvoke: [
    ciao: {
        beforeInvoke: [

// load middlewares
U.load({ middlewares });

// load available methods
U.load({ methods });

// load configuration
U.load({ config });

// build API
const API = U.compose();

API.upper('ciao').then(console.log); // => 'CIAOCIAO'
API.lower('ciao').then(console.log); // => 'ciaociao'
API.ciao('davide') // => 'hello'


Uboss also provides an abstraction for defining ACL and protect a method behind it. The only assumption Uboss makes is the incoming request object might have a metadata property (or a getMetadata method that returns the metadata object) which contains the data required to resolve ACL questions.

ACL are evaluated within the middleware pipeline: beforeAuth, Auth, beforeInvoke, Method, afterInvoke.

You can leverage the special middleware phase beforeAuth to define middlewares that need to extend the metadata object, by for example fetching additional information asynchronously.


ACL are bound to methods via Uboss config:

const config = {
  methods: {
      upper: {
        acl: {}

ROLE based acl

At the moment the only supported ACL are ROLE based acl. Roles functions will receive as input the request metadata object and should return true or false synchronously

Uboss will swallow any error thrown by the roles fn and return false instead.

const U = require('uboss')();

const methods = {
  resetPassword: req => {} // do reset password stuff

const roles = {
  admin : metadata => metadata.requestor.roles.includes('admin')

// configure the methods you want to expose
const config = {
  methods: {
    resetPassword: {
      acl: {
        roles: ['admin']

// load available roles
U.load({ roles });

// load available methods
U.load({ methods });

// load configuration
U.load({ config });

// build API
const API = U.compose();

API.resetPassword({ id:'user1', metadata: { requestor: { roles: ['admin'] }}}).then(console.log); // => ''
API.resetPassword({ id:'user1', metadata: { requestor: { roles: ['standard User'] }}}).catch(console.log); // => '403 Unauthorized'

You first load the roles, then you can reference them in the config.

IMPORTANT In role Fn, when using the === operator always always check for undefined because in JS undefined === undefined is true

// Wrong: if both metadata.requestor.dn and metadata.resource.manager are undefined this function return true
function owner(metadata){
  return metadata.requestor.dn === metadata.resource.manager;
// Right
function owner(metadata){
  return metadata.requestor.dn &&
    metadata.requestor.dn === metadata.resource.manager;

6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago