1.4.1 • Published 6 years ago

ui-tl v1.4.1

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Last release
6 years ago

Teamleader UI

Teamleader UI is a set of React components that implement the Teamleader design specification.


Teamleader UI can be installed as an npm package:

$ npm install --save @teamleader/ui

Basic usage

In this minimal example, we import a Button with styles already bundled:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Button } from '@teamleader/ui';

ReactDOM.render(<Button label="Hello World!" />, document.getElementById('app'));


To work in the project you will need a node version supporting ES6 syntax. Although the project is built using the Babel compiler, we use some ES6 features on the development server. Consider using n or nvm to handle different node versions!

To start the spec site locally, follow these simple steps:

$ git clone https://github.com/teamleadercrm/ui
$ cd ui/
$ npm i
$ npm start

Open up a browser and the local spec will be available at http://localhost:3000/.

To start the project on another port, set the PORT variable when running the start command. As in this example for port 3001:

$ PORT=3001 npm start

How to make a release

  1. Pull the next-release branch to make sure you have all the latest code on your local machine.
  2. Make a new branch, starting from next-release and give it the name of the next version you want to release (release/new.version.number).
  3. Bump the version in package.json and commit with message Version bump and push.
  4. Update CHANGELOG.md

    • Replace [unreleased] with the [new.version.number] and add the release date next to it, like this- yyyy-mm-dd`.
    • Clean up the unused titles.
    • Prepare for next release by adding the following content on top of the file:

      ## [unreleased]
      ### Added
      ### Changed
      ### Deprecated
      ### Removed
      ### Fixed
    • Commit with message Update changelog and push.

  5. Make a pull request on Github where you add the changelog items as the description and wait for approval.

  6. Make a draft release on Github and fill in the following fields:
    • Tag version: new.version.number @ target: next-release
    • Release title: new.version.number
    • Description: add the changelog items
  7. Once the pull request has the needed amount of approvals, merge it into the next-release branch.
  8. Publish the earlier created draft release on Github.
  9. In your console, pull the next-release branch.
  10. Publish to npm using the npm publish --access=public command.
  11. Merge the next-release branch into master and push to Github


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.