1.1.16 • Published 3 years ago

umax v1.1.16

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3 years ago

该模块是基于ES6的Promise封装的的ajax, 特别是能非常简单地操作文件上传, 模块还提供了文件压缩、文件转换等方法. This module is based on ES6 Promise package ajax, especially can be very simple operation file upload, the module also provides file compression, file conversion and other methods. The English API is at the back of the page! 下载:

npm install umax


import umax from 'umax' // 引用umax对象


import { Umax } from 'umax' // 引用umax构造函数
const umax = new Umax();

*该模块未进行任何编译, 在某些情况下需要自行处理编译

比如在vue-cli3.x中使用时, 由于vue-cli3默认不编译node_modules中的文件, 导致项目在IE环境下会报错, 所以这个时候就需要在vue.config.js中做如下配置:

module.exports = {
  transpileDependencies: [/(?:[/\\]node_modules[/\\].?umax@.*[/\\])|(?:[/\\]node_modules[/\\]umax[/\\])/]


umax.fixed  --- 全局设置每次调取接口都需要上传的固定参数, [可选] 如果设置该属性,必须设置成一个json
umax.beforeRequest  --- 全局设置每次调取接口前都执行的拦截, [可选] 如果设置该属性, 必须设置成一个function
umax.responsed  --- 全局设置每次服务器成功返回后都会执行的函数, [可选] 如果设置该属性, 必须设置成一个function

umax.init(json)  --- 初始化umax对象的基础参数, <必须> *这个方法只能执行一次, 执行完之后会被自动注销, 无返回

umax.set(json)  --- 可以设置一次性接口调用的基础参数, 返回umax对象本身

umax.get(url, [json|string])  --- 发送一个get请求, 返回promise
umax.post(url, [json|string])  --- 发送一个post请求, 返回promise
umax.form(url, [json])  --- *该方法可以非常简单地进行文件传输, 返回promise
umax.put(url, [json|string])  --- 发送一个put请求, 返回promise
umax.patch(url, [json|string])  --- 发送一个patch请求, 返回promise
umax.delete(url, [json|string])  --- 发送一个delete请求, 返回promise
umax.head(url)  --- 发送一个head请求, 返回promise
umax.options(url)  --- 发送一个options请求, 返回promise

umax._isJson(anything)  --- 判断一个元素是否为json, 返回boolean
umax._isBase64(string)  --- 判断一个字符串是否为base64字符串, 返回boolean
umax._toBase64([file|blob])  --- 将file或者blob转成base64, 返回promise
umax._base64ToBlob(base64)  --- 将base64转成blob, 返回blob
umax._base64ToFile(base64)  --- 将base64转成file, 返回file
umax._compress(json)  --- 压缩file, 返回promise


1: umax.init()

.init()  初始化umax对象的基础参数, 设置umax的全局配置(这个方法在执行了一次之后会自动被注销)

 参数 :   .init( json )     在调用umax对象其它方法之前必须先执行该方法来初始化对象的基础配置   json: 初始化参数 [json] 可选     json: {       baseUrl: [string],       设置基础访问地址 [可选] 默认为''       timeout: [number],       设置最长响应时间 [可选]       ontimeout: [function],   设置超过最长响应时间后的回调函数 [可选]               (该函数自带固定参数: XMLHttpRequest对象)       onerror: [function],   设置网络异常后的回调函数 [可选]               (该函数自带固定参数: XMLHttpRequest对象)       responseType: [string],    设置返回的数据类型 [可选]       headers: [json],        设置请求头 [可选]       onprogress: [function],    设置下载进度执行函数 [可选]               (自带固定参数: ProgressEvent对象,         它的.loaded属性代表已经完成发送部分的文件大小[number])       user: [string],         设置服务器验证账号 [可选]       password: [string],       设置服务器验证密码 [可选]       `withCredentials: boolean,  设置是否可跨域携带cookie 可选 默认为false IE10+<br>}`

基础案例 :

umax.init({ // .init()方法能接收的json有效字段有:baseUrl、timeout、ontimeout、onerror、responseType、headers、onprogress、user、password、withCredentials
  baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080',  // 基础地址  默认''
  timeout: 10000,  // 最长响应时间(单位:ms)  默认0(无限)
  ontimeout: function(xmlObj){  // 超过最长响应时间后执行的响应事件  默认null
  onerror: function(xmlObj){  // 网络异常后执行的响应事件  默认null
  responseType: 'text',  // 设置接收类型  默认''
  headers: {  // 设置headers  默认null
    Keep-Alive:'timeout=20, max=2',
  onprogress: function(e){  // 设置上传进度响应事件  默认null
    console.log(e.loaded/e.total);  // e.loaded:当前已上传文件大小(单位:b), e.total:当前上传文件的总大小(单位:b)
  user: 'userName',  // 设置服务器验证的user  默认null
  password: 'userPwd',  // 设置服务器验证的password  默认null
  withCredentials: false  // 设置是否可跨域携带cookie [可选] 默认为false   *IE10+


umax.init();   // 默认配置, 等同于umax({baseUrl:''});

2: umax.fixed

.fixed  全局设置每次调取接口都需要上传的固定参数, 如果设置该属性,必须设置成一个json

 参数 :   .fixed = json 可选   json: 每次调取接口都需要上传的固定参数  必须

基础案例 :


3: umax.beforeRequest

.beforeRequest  全局设置每次调取接口前都执行的拦截, 如果设置该属性,必须设置成一个function

 参数 :   .beforeRequest = function 可选   function: 每次调取接口前都执行的函数  必须     该函数自带固定参数*config*, 它代表umax对象的基础配置     可以根据条件改变*config*内的值, 该函数最后必须返回这个*config*

基础案例 :

  // todo ...
  console.log(config);  // {baseUrl:'',timeout:null,ontimeout:null,onerror:null,responseType:'',headers:null,onprogress:null,user:null,password:null,withCredentials:false}
  if([some conditions]){
    config.baseUrl='http://localhost:8080'; // 可以对config对象进行配置

  return config;  // 必须返回config

4: umax.responsed

.responsed  全局设置每次调取接口后都执行的拦截, 如果设置该属性,必须设置成一个function

 参数 :   .responsed = function 可选   function: 每次服务器成功返回后都会执行的函数  必须     该函数自带固定参数*data*和*XMLObj*, 它们分别代表服务器返回的数据和XMLHttpRequest对象     **这里对data进行的处理*不会*影响umax对象最终返回的数据!!!

基础案例 :

umax.responsed=function(data, xmlObj){
  // todo ...

5: umax.set()

.set()  设置一次性接口调用的基础参数, 返回umax对象本身

 参数 :   .set( json )     .set()方法设置只对单次调取接口时有效, 不会影响全局基础配置config   json: 初始化参数 [json] 必须 (json配置同.init()方法)

基础案例 :

let json={
    Keep-Alive:'timeout=20, max=2',

umax.set(json).get('/demo', {id:888888}).then(data=>{ // !!! .set()方法设置的配置只对本次调取接口时有效
  // todo ...
  // todo ...

6: umax.get()

.get()  通过get方式调取接口, 返回Promise

 参数 :   .get( url, arg )   url: 接口地址 [string] 必须   arg: 接口所需参数 [json|string] 可选

基础案例 :

umax.get('/demo', {id:666, value:'value'}).then(data=>{
	// todo ...
	// todo ...


let data=await umax.get('/demo', 'id=666&value=value').catch(err=>{});  // 在async函数中使用


let data=await umax.get('/demo?id=666&value=value').catch(err=>{});

**注: url参数头上的'/'可以写也可以不写, 所以你可以这样调用接口:

umax.get('demo/list').then(data=>{});  // 等同于umax.get('/demo/list').then(data=>{});

7: umax.post()

.post()  通过post方式调取接口, 返回Promise

 参数 :   .post( url, arg )   url: 接口地址 [string] 必须   arg: 接口所需参数 [json|string] 可选     .post()方法的第二个参数可接收 json字符串 或者 array字符串,     方法内部会自动将contentType设置成'aplication/json', 而不用手动去设置

基础案例 :

let json={id:666, value:'value'};

umax.post('/demo', json).then(data=>{
	// todo ...
	// todo ...


umax.post('/demo', JSON.stringify(json)).then(data=>{
	// todo ...
	// todo ...

*注: 如果发送的是'json字符串 或者 array字符串'且在调用umax的post()方法之前设置过固定参数, 如:调用post()之前这样设置: umax.fixed({id:'myId', token:'myToken'}), 那么.fixed()方法设置的参数会以key=name&key=name的方式拼接到url地址后面, 然后再将'json字符串 或者 array字符串'以contentType='aplication/json'的方式发送


let data=await umax.post('/demo', 'id=666&value=value').catch(err=>{});  // 在async函数中使用

**注: url参数头上的'/'可以写也可以不写, 所以你可以这样调用接口:

umax.post('demo/list').then(data=>{});  // 等同于umax.post('/demo/list').then(data=>{});

8: umax.form()

.form()  简单地通过FormData向服务器发送文件, 返回Promise

 参数 :   .form( url, arg )   url: 接口地址 [string] 必须   arg: 接口所需参数 [json] 必须     arg: {       fieldName: [string], <必须> 传给后台的文件数据字段名       files: [file|blob|array|json|HTMLInputElement], <必须> 要发送的文件, 参考基础案例       data: [json] [可选]  要发送的普通数据     }

基础案例 :

<input type="file" id="fileElement_1"/>
<input type="file" id="fileElement_2"/>

fileElement_1.onchange=async function(){
	let files=fileElement_1.files;
	// 下面虚拟两条blob数据...
	let blob1=这里是虚拟的Blob数据;
	let blob2=这里是虚拟的Blob数据;

	umax.form('/demo', {
		// files可接收参数: ↓↓↓↓↓↓

		files:files[0],  // 接收File
		files:umax._base64ToBlob(await umax._toBase64(files[0])),  // 接收Blob
		files:fileElement_1,  // 接收h5的input[type=file]元素, 将会把fileElement_1元素上所有的文件都发送
		files:{name:'name_1', file:files[0]}, // 接收{name:'name', file:file}数据, 如果files参数是一个json, umax对象会先判断name in json和file in json, 如果有, 则会像这样给后台发送文件:new FormData(fieldName, json.file, json.name), *这样只能发送一个文件*
		files:{'name_1.jpg':files[0], 'name_2.jpg':files[1]}, // 接收{name:file}数据, 如果files参数是一个json, 且没有'name'键名和'file'键名, 那么会像这样给后台发送文件:new FormData(fieldName, json[keyOfjson], keyOfjson), *这样可以发送多个文件*
		files:[blob1, blob2],  // 接收[Blob, Blob, ...]
		files:[fileElement_1, fileElement_2],  // 接收[HTMLInputElement, HTMLInputElement, ...], 将会把数组内所有元素上所有input[type=file]的文件都发送
		files:[...files],  // 接收[File, File, ...], 这里要特别注意, files不是array, 要先将其转换成array才能被方法接收
		files:[{name:'name_1', file:files[0]}, {name:'name_2', file:files[1]}], // 接收[Json, Json, ...]
			// ***特别注意: 如果files接收的是一个数组, 那么该数组内的值的类型必须保持一致, 不能混搭. 不能像这样传值 -> files:[{name:'a', file:File}, File]

		// files可接收参数: ↑↑↑↑↑↑
		// todo ...
		// todo ...

**注: url参数头上的'/'可以写也可以不写, 所以你可以这样调用接口:

umax.form('demo/list', {...}).then(data=>{...});  // 等同于umax.form('/demo/list', {...}).then(data=>{...});

9: umax.put()

.put()  通过put方式调取接口, 返回Promise

 参数 :   .put( url, arg )   url: 接口地址 [string] 必须   arg: 接口所需参数 [json|string] 可选     .put()方法的第二个参数可接收 json字符串 或者 array字符串,     方法内部会自动将contentType设置成'aplication/json', 而不用手动去设置

基础案例 :


10: umax.patch()

.patch()  通过patch方式调取接口, 返回Promise

 参数 :   .patch( url, arg )   url: 接口地址 [string] 必须   arg: 接口所需参数 [json|string] 可选     .patch()方法的第二个参数可接收 json字符串 或者 array字符串,     方法内部会自动将contentType设置成'aplication/json', 而不用手动去设置

基础案例 :


11: umax.delete()

.delete()  通过delete方式调取接口, 返回Promise

 参数 :   .delete( url, arg )   url: 接口地址 [string] 必须   arg: 接口所需参数 [json|string] 可选     .delete()方法的第二个参数可接收 json字符串 或者 array字符串,     方法内部会自动将contentType设置成'aplication/json', 而不用手动去设置

基础案例 :


12: umax.options()

.options()  通过options方式调取接口, 返回Promise

 参数 :   .options( url )   url: 接口地址 [string] 必须

基础案例 :

	***注: .options()方法返回将返回固定格式的数据: ↓↓↓↓↓↓
		"headers":"content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n",
	// todo ...

**注: url参数头上的'/'可以写也可以不写, 所以你可以这样调用接口:

umax.options('demo/list').then(data=>{});  // 等同于umax.options('/demo/list').then(data=>{});

13: umax.head()

.head()  通过head方式调取接口, 返回Promise

 参数 :   .head( url )   url: 接口地址 [string] 必须

基础案例 :

	***注: .head()方法返回将返回固定格式的数据: ↓↓↓↓↓↓
		"headers":"content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n",
	// todo ...

**注: url参数头上的'/'可以写也可以不写, 所以你可以这样调用接口:

umax.head('demo/list').then(data=>{});  // 等同于umax.head('/demo/list').then(data=>{});

14: umax._isJson()

._isJson()  判断一个元素是否是json, 返回boolean

 参数 :   ._isJson( anything )   anything: 要判断的元素 [any] 必须

基础案例 :

console.log(umax._isJson({a:'a', b:'b'}));  // true
console.log(umax._isJson(['a', 'b'])); // false

15: umax._isBase64()

._isBase64()  判断一个字符串是否是base64字符串, 返回boolean

 参数 :   ._isBase64( str )   str: 要判断的字符串 [string] 必须

基础案例 :

let str='abcdefg';

console.log(umax._isBase64(str));  // false

16: umax._toBase64()

._toBase64()  将file或者blob转换成base64字符串, 返回Promise

 参数 :   ._toBase64( arg )   arg: 要转换的file或者blob [file|blob] 必须

基础案例 :

<input type="file" id="fileElement"/>

fileElement.onchange=async function(){
	let base64='';
		base64=await umax._toBase64(fileElement.files[0]);

		console.log(typeof base64); // string
		alert('Oh, Yes!');
		alert('Oh, No!');

17: umax._base64ToBlob()

._base64ToBlob()  将base64字符串转换成blob, 返回blob

 参数 :   ._base64ToBlob( str )   str: 要转换的base64字符串 [string] 必须

基础案例 :

<input type="file" id="fileElement"/>

fileElement.onchange=async function(){
	let base64='';
		base64=await umax._toBase64(fileElement.files[0]);

		let blob=umax._base64ToBlob(base64);
		umax.form('/demo/form', {fieldName:'blob', files:blob}).catch(()=>{
			alert('Oh, No!');
		alert('Oh, No!');

18: umax._base64ToFile()

._base64ToFile()  将base64字符串转换成file, 返回file

 参数 :   ._base64ToFile( str )   str: 要转换的base64字符串 [string] 必须

基础案例 :

<input type="file" id="fileElement"/>

fileElement.onchange=async function(){
	let base64='';
		base64=await umax._toBase64(fileElement.files[0]);

		let file=umax._base64ToFile(base64);
		umax.form('/demo/form', {fieldName:'file', files:file}).catch(()=>{  // 这只是做个试验, 请不要当真... 如果要发送文件, 直接发送fileElement.files[0]即可
			alert('Oh, No!');
		alert('Oh, No!');

19: umax._compress()

._compress()  压缩一个或者多个图片文件, 返回Promise

 参数 :   ._compress( json )   json: 压缩的相关数据 [json] 必须     json: {       file: [file|array],  要压缩的文件或者文件数组 <必须> 默认为''       maxWidth: [number],  设置压缩后的最大宽度 [可选] 默认为null       maxHeight: [number],  设置压缩后的最大高度 [可选] 默认为null       quality: [number],  设置压缩后的图片质量 [可选] 默认为1 (不压缩)       type: [string],  设置压缩后的图片格式 [可选] 默认为'image/jpeg'     }     file参数可以接收单个File文件或者一个File文件数组     如果file参数是一个File文件, ._compress()方法将会返回一个resolve结果为Blob的Promise     如果file参数是一个File文件数组, ._compress()方法将会返回一个resolve结果为按照File文件数组的顺序来排序的Blob数组的Promise     一般情况下maxWidth和maxHeight只要设置一个就好, 设置了一个之后, 另一个会根据原图比例自动调整     如果同时设置了maxWidth和maxHeight, maxWidth的优先级要高于maxHeight     quality的有效值为0-1(不包括0, 但包括1)     如果设置了有效quality, type参数将会失效, 返回的实际type固定为'image/jpeg' 基础案例 :

<input type="file" multiple id="fileElement"/>

fileElement.onchange=async function(){
	let files=[...fileElement.files];
		let json={

		let blob=await umax._compress(json);

		umax.form('/demo/form', {fieldName:'blob', files:blob}).catch(()=>{
			alert('Oh, No!');
	}else if(files.length>1){
		let json={

		let blobArr=await umax._compress(json);

		umax.form('/demo/form', {fieldName:'blob', files:blobArr}).catch(()=>{
			alert('Oh, No!');
		alert('Oh, No!');

English API >>>>>>


npm install umax


import umax from 'umax' // import umax


import { Umax } from 'umax' // import the constructor of umax

*This module does not be compiled, and in some cases you needs to handle yourself

For example, when used it in vue-cli3, files in 'node_modules' are not compiled by defaults in vue-cli3, Causes the project to report errors in IE. Therefore, at this time you need to do the following configuration in vue.config.js:

module.exports = {
  transpileDependencies: [/(?:[/\\]node_modules[/\\].?umax@.*[/\\])|(?:[/\\]node_modules[/\\]umax[/\\])/]

Here are all the properties and methods available for this module:

umax.fixed  --- Global sets a fixed parameter that needs to be uploaded every time the fetch interface is accessed. [optional] if this property is set, it must be set as a json
umax.beforeRequest  --- Global sets the interception to be executed each time the interface is called. [optional] if this property is set, it must be set to a function
umax.responsed  --- Global sets the function to execute each time the server returns successfully. [optional] if this property is set, it must be a function

umax.init(json)  --- Initializes the base parameters of the umax object, <must> *This method can only be executed once and is automatically logged off with no return

umax.set(json)  --- You can set the underlying parameters of a one-time interface call, return the umax object itself

umax.get(url, [json|string])  --- Send a get request, return Promise
umax.post(url, [json|string])  --- Send a post request, return Promise
umax.form(url, [json])  --- *This method makes file transfer very simple, return Promise
umax.put(url, [json|string])  --- Send a put request, return Promise
umax.patch(url, [json|string])  --- Send a patch request, return Promise
umax.delete(url, [json|string])  --- Send a delete request, return Promise
umax.head(url)  --- Send a head request, return Promise
umax.options(url)  --- Send a options request, return Promise

umax._isJson(anything)  --- Determine if an element is json, return Boolean
umax._isBase64(string)  --- Determines whether a string is a base64 string, return Boolean
umax._toBase64([file|blob])  --- Convert file or blob to base64, return Promise
umax._base64ToBlob(base64)  --- Convert base64 to blob, return Blob
umax._base64ToFile(base64)  --- Convert base64 to file, return File
umax._compress(json)  --- To compressed file, return Promise


1: umax.init()

.init()  Initializes the base parameters of the umax object, set the global configuration of umax(This method is automatically logged off after one execution)

 parameter :   .init( json )     This method must be executed to initialize the underlying configuration of the umax object before other methods are invoked   json: Initialization parameter [json] optional     json: {       baseUrl: [string],       Set the base access address [optional] default ''       timeout: [number],       Set the maximum response time [optional]       ontimeout: [function],   Sets the callback function after the maximum response time [optional]               (Built-in fixed parameters: XMLHttpRequest object)       oerror: [function],   Sets the callback function after network error [optional]               (Built-in fixed parameters: XMLHttpRequest object)       responseType: [string],    Sets the data type returned [optional]       headers: [json],        Set request header [optional]       onprogress: [function],    Set the download progress execution function [optional]               (Built-in fixed parameters: ProgressEvent object,         Its.loaded property represents the size of the file that has completed sending the portion[number])       user: [string],         Set the server authentication account [optional]       password: [string]       Set the server authentication password [optional]       `withCredentials: boolean,  Sets whether cookies can be carried across domains optional default false IE10+<br>}`

Based case :

umax.init({ // The json valid fields that the .init() method can receive are:baseUrl、timeout、ontimeout、oerror、responseType、headers、onprogress、user、password、withCredentials
  baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080',  // Base url  default ''
  timeout: 10000,  // Maximum response time(unit:ms)  default 0(infinite)
  ontimeout: function(xmlObj){  // A response event executed after the maximum response time has been exceeded  default null
  onerror: function(xmlObj){  // A response event executed after network error  default null
  responseType: 'text',  // Set receive type  default ''
  headers: {  // Set headers  default null
    Keep-Alive:'timeout=20, max=2',
  onprogress: function(e){  // Set the upload progress response event  default null
    console.log(e.loaded/e.total);  // e.loaded:Currently uploaded file size(unit:b), e.total:The total size of the currently uploaded file(unit:b)
  user: 'userName',  // Set 'user' for server validation  default null
  password: 'userPwd',  // Set 'password' for server authentication  default null
  withCredentials: false  // Sets whether cookies can be carried across domains [optional] default false    *IE10+

Can also be:

umax.init();   // Default configuration, is equivalent to umax({baseUrl:''});

2: umax.fixed

.fixed  Global sets the fixed parameters that need to be uploaded for each retrieval interface, If this property is set, it must be set to a json

 Parameter :   .fixed = json optional   json: Each call interface needs to upload fixed parameters  <must>

Based case :


3: umax.beforeRequest

.beforeRequest  Global sets the interception to be performed each time an interface is invoked, If this property is set, it must be set to a function

 Parameter :   .beforeRequest = function optional   function: The function that executes each time the interface is called  <must>     This function comes with fixed parameters *config*, It represents the underlying configuration of the umax object     You can change the value in *config* depending on the condition, The function must finally return this *config*

Based case :

  // todo ...
  console.log(config);  // {baseUrl:'',timeout:null,ontimeout:null,onerror:null,responseType:'',headers:null,onprogress:null,user:null,password:null,withCredentials:fasle}
  if([some conditions]){
    config.baseUrl='http://localhost:8080'; // 'onfig' can be configured

  return config;  // Must return config

4: umax.responsed

.responsed  Global sets the interception to be performed after each call to the interface, If this property is set, it must be set to a function

 Parameter :   .responsed = function optional   function: The function that executes each time after the server returns  <must>     This function comes with fixed arguments *data* and *XMLObj*, They represent the data returned by the server, and the XMLHttpRequest object, respectively     **The processing of data here * does not * affect the data ultimately returned by the umax object!!!

Based case :

umax.responsed=function(data, xmlObj){
  // todo ...

5: umax.set()

.set()  Sets the underlying parameters of a one-time interface call, returning the umax object itself

 Parameter :   .set( json )     Set () method Settings are only valid for single access to the interface, and does not affect the global underlying configuration config   json: Initialization parameter [json] <must> (configuration of json is the same of .init() method)

Based case :

let json={
    Keep-Alive:'timeout=20, max=2',

umax.set(json).get('/demo', {id:888888}).then(data=>{ // !!! The configuration .set() method is only valid for this fetch of the interface
  // todo ...
  // todo ...

6: umax.get()

.get()  Send a get request, return Promise

 Parameter :   .get( url, arg )   url: Interface url [string] <must>   arg: Interface required parameters [json|string] [optional]

Based case :

umax.get('/demo', {id:666, value:'value'}).then(data=>{
	// todo ...
	// todo ...

Can also be:

let data=await umax.get('/demo', 'id=666&value=value').catch(err=>{});  // Used in the async function

Can also be:

let data=await umax.get('/demo?id=666&value=value').catch(err=>{});

**Note: url parameter header '/' can be written or not written, so you can call the interface like this:

umax.get('demo/list').then(data=>{});  // Is equivalent to umax.get('/demo/list').then(data=>{});

7: umax.post()

.post()  Send a post request, return Promise

 Parameter :   .post( url, arg )   url: Interface url [string] <must>   arg: Interface required parameters [json|string] [optional]     The second argument to the .post() method accepts either json string or array string,     The contentType inside the method is automatically set to 'aplication/json' instead of manually

Based case :

let json={id:666, value:'value'};

umax.post('/demo', json).then(data=>{
	// todo ...
	// todo ...

Can also be:

umax.post('/demo', JSON.stringify(json)).then(data=>{
	// todo ...
	// todo ...

**Note: If you're sending a 'json string or an array string 'and you've set the fixed parameters before calling umax's post() method, like: Set this before calling post(): umax.fixed({id:'myId', token:'myToken'}), then, the parameters set by the fixed() method are spliced after the url address as '?key=name&key=name', then send the 'json string or array string' as contentType='aplication/json'

Can also be:

let data=await umax.post('/demo', 'id=666&value=value').catch(err=>{});  // Used in the async function

**Note: url parameter header '/' can be written or not written, so you can call the interface like this:

umax.post('demo/list').then(data=>{});  // Is equivalent to umax.post('/demo/list').then(data=>{});

8: umax.form()

.form()  Simply send a file through FormData to the server, return Promise

 Parameter :   .form( url, arg )   url: Interface url [string] <must>   arg: Interface required parameters [json] <must>     arg: {       fieldName: [string], <must> File data field name       files: [file|blob|array|json|HTMLInputElement], <must> For files to send, refer to the base case       data: [json] [optional]  Plain data to send     }

Based case :

<input type="file" id="fileElement_1"/>
<input type="file" id="fileElement_2"/>

fileElement_1.onchange=async function(){
	let files=fileElement_1.files;
	// Here are two virtual blobs of data...
	let blob1=(I'm a Blob);
	let blob2=(I'm a Blob);

	umax.form('/demo', {
		// Parameters that can be accepted by files : ↓↓↓↓↓↓

		files:files[0],  // Receive File
		files:umax._base64ToBlob(await umax._toBase64(files[0])),  // Receive Blob
		files:fileElement_1,  // Receive input[type=file] element, all files on the fileElement_1 element will be sent
		files:{name:'name_1', file:files[0]}, // Receive {name:'name', file:file} data, If the files parameter is a json, the umax object first execute 'name in json' and 'file in json', if true, It will send a file to the background like this: new FormData(fieldName, json.file, json.name), *Thus, only one file can be sent*
		files:{'name_1.jpg':files[0], 'name_2.jpg':files[1]}, // Receive {name:file} data, If the files parameter is a json, if there is no 'name' key and no 'file' key, It will send a file to the background like this:new FormData(fieldName, json[keyOfjson], keyOfjson), *In this way, multiple files can be sent*
		files:[blob1, blob2],  // Receive [Blob, Blob, ...]
		files:[fileElement_1, fileElement_2],  // Receive [HTMLInputElement, HTMLInputElement, ...], all 'input[type=file]' files on all elements in the array will be sent
		files:[...files],  // Receive [File, File, ...], it is important to note that 'files' are not array, and they must be converted to array before they can be received by the method
		files:[{name:'name_1', file:files[0]}, {name:'name_2', file:files[1]}], // Receive [Json, Json, ...]
			// ***Pay special attention to: if 'files' receives an array, the values in the array must be of the same type, can't mix. You can't pass values like this: -> files:[{name:'a', file:File}, File]

		// Parameters that can be accepted by files: ↑↑↑↑↑↑
		// todo ...
		// todo ...

**Note: url parameter header '/' can be written or not written, so you can call the interface like this:

umax.form('demo/list', {...}).then(data=>{...});  // Is equivalent to umax.form('/demo/list', {...}).then(data=>{...});

9: umax.put()

.put()  Send a put request, return Promise

 Parameter :   .put( url, arg )   url: Interface url [string] <must>   arg: Interface required parameters [json|string] [optional]     The second argument to the .put() method accepts either json string or array string,     The contentType inside the method is automatically set to 'aplication/json' instead of manually

Based case :

**It is used in the same way as the umax.post() method

10: umax.patch()

.patch()  Send a patch request, return Promise

 Parameter :   .patch( url, arg )   url: Interface url [string] <must>   arg: Interface required parameters [json|string] [optional]     The second argument to the .patch() method accepts either json string or array string,     The contentType inside the method is automatically set to 'aplication/json' instead of manually

Based case :

**It is used in the same way as the umax.post() method

11: umax.delete()

.delete()  Send a delete request, return Promise

 Parameter :   .delete( url, arg )   url: Interface url [string] <must>   arg: Interface required parameters [json|string] [optional]     The second argument to the .delete() method accepts either json string or array string,     The contentType inside the method is automatically set to 'aplication/json' instead of manually

Based case :

**It is used in the same way as the umax.post() method

12: umax.options()

.options()  Send a options request, return Promise

 Parameter :   .options( url )   url: Interface url [string] <must>

Based case :

	***Note: the .options() method returns data in a fixed format: ↓↓↓↓↓↓
		"headers":"content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n",
	// todo ...

**Note: url parameter header '/' can be written or not written, so you can call the interface like this:

umax.options('demo/list').then(data=>{});  // Is equivalent to umax.options('/demo/list').then(data=>{});

13: umax.head()

.head()  Send a head request, return Promise

 Parameter :   .head( url )   url: Interface url [string] <must>

Based case :

	***Note: the .head() method returns data in a fixed format: ↓↓↓↓↓↓
		"headers":"content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n",
	// todo ...

**Note: url parameter header '/' can be written or not written, so you can call the interface like this:

umax.head('demo/list').then(data=>{});  // Is equivalent to umax.head('/demo/list').then(data=>{});

14: umax._isJson()

._isJson()  Determine if an element is json, return Boolean

 Parameter :   ._isJson( anything )   anything: Anything that need to be judged [any] <must>

Based case :

console.log(umax._isJson({a:'a', b:'b'}));  // true
console.log(umax._isJson(['a', 'b'])); // false

15: umax._isBase64()

._isBase64()  Determines if a string is a base64 string, return Boolean

 Parameter :   ._isBase64( str )   str: String that need to be judged [string] <must>

Based case :

let str='abcdefg';

console.log(umax._isBase64(str));  // false

16: umax._toBase64()

._toBase64()  Convert file or blob to base64 string, return Promise

 Parameter :   ._toBase64( arg )   arg: The file or blob that need to convert [file|blob] <must>

Based case :

<input type="file" id="fileElement"/>

fileElement.onchange=async function(){
	let base64='';
		base64=await umax._toBase64(fileElement.files[0]);

		console.log(typeof base64); // string
		alert('Oh, Yes!');
		alert('Oh, No!');

17: umax._base64ToBlob()

._base64ToBlob()  Convert base64 string to blob, return Blob

 Parameter :   ._base64ToBlob( str )   str: The base64 string that need to convert [string] <must>

Based case :

<input type="file" id="fileElement"/>

fileElement.onchange=async function(){
	let base64='';
		base64=await umax._toBase64(fileElement.files[0]);

		let blob=umax._base64ToBlob(base64);
		umax.form('/demo/form', {fieldName:'blob', files:blob}).catch(()=>{
			alert('Oh, No!');
		alert('Oh, No!');

18: umax._base64ToFile()

._base64ToFile()  Convert base64 string to file, return File

 Parameter :   ._base64ToFile( str )   str: The base64 string that need to convert [string] <must>

Based case :

<input type="file" id="fileElement"/>

fileElement.onchange=async function(){
	let base64='';
		base64=await umax._toBase64(fileElement.files[0]);

		let file=umax._base64ToFile(base64);
		umax.form('/demo/form', {fieldName:'file', files:file}).catch(()=>{  // This is just an experiment, please don't take it seriously... If you want to send files here, just send fileElement.files[0]
			alert('Oh, No!');
		alert('Oh, No!');

19: umax._compress()

._compress()  Compress one or more image files, return Promise

 Parameter :   ._compress( json )   json: Configuration data for ._compress() method [json] <must>     json: {       file: [file|array],  The file or array of files that need to compress <must> default ''       maxWidth: [number],  Sets the maximum width after compression [optional] default null       maxHeight: [number],  Set the maximum height after compression [optional] default null       quality: [number],  Set the quality of the compressed image [optional] default 1 (Without compression)       type: [string],  Set the compressed image format [optional] default 'image/jpeg'     }     The 'file' argument can take a single 'File' file or an array of 'File' files     If the 'file' argument is a 'File' file, the ._compress() method will return a Promise with a resolve result of Blob     If the 'file' argument is an array of 'File' files, the ._compress() method will return a Promise that the resolve result is a Blob array sorted in the order of the array of 'File' files     In general, 'maxWidth' and 'maxHeight' only need to be set one. After setting one, the other one will be adjusted automatically according to the scale of the original image     If both 'maxWidth' and 'maxHeight' are set, 'maxWidth' has a higher priority than 'maxHeight'     Valid value of 'quality' is 0-1(not including 0, but including 1)     If the valid 'quality' is set, the 'type' parameter will be invalidated and the actual 'type' returned is fixed to 'image/jpeg' Based case :

<input type="file" multiple id="fileElement"/>

fileElement.onchange=async function(){
	let files=[...fileElement.files];
		let json={

		let blob=await umax._compress(json);

		umax.form('/demo/form', {fieldName:'blob', files:blob}).catch(()=>{
			alert('Oh, No!');
	}else if(files.length>1){
		let json={

		let blobArr=await umax._compress(json);

		umax.form('/demo/form', {fieldName:'blob', files:blobArr}).catch(()=>{
			alert('Oh, No!');
		alert('Oh, No!');

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