0.2.4 • Published 2 years ago

unicorn-discord-bot v0.2.4

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Last release
2 years ago


A simple but robust and highly customizable Discord bot.


npm install unicorn-discord-bot

yarn install unicorn-discord-bot


const { DiscordBot, Intents } = require('unicorn-discord-bot');
const { join } = require('path');

// get all possible intents
const bits = [];
for (const key in Intents.FLAGS) {
const intents = new Intents(bits);

// bot options
const options = {
  clientOptions: {
  commandsDirPath: join(__dirname, 'commands'), // where your commands lives
  prefix: '+!',
  talkingToMeResponse: 'http://sayitwithcaptions.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/You-talkin-to-me-1.jpg',
  talkingAboutMeResponse: 'http://sayitwithcaptions.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Quoi.png',

// create the bot
const bot = new DiscordBot(options);

// start the bot

Enviorment Variables

As this package is using dotenv to load the .env file, you can set the following minimal enviorment variables:


Note: The DEV_MODE on is useful to test the commands, since when it is not in dev mode, Discord performs a command cache which can be very long. As long as you use your bot in a dev environment and onto only one Discord server (aka guild), it is pretty useful to keep the DEV_MODE on.


You can add commands to the bot by adding them to the commandsDirPath option. Or add them before it starts with the addCommand method of the DiscordBot class.

Commands can be triggered via:

  • slash commands like /ping
  • prefixed commands like !ping (you can set the bot prefix with the prefix option of the DiscordBot class)
  • mentions like @bot ping (the command name can be everywhere in the message ; supports multiple commands)

By default, all commands can be triggered via these three behaviors. You can change this behavior by setting the isSlashCommand option of the DiscordBot class to false. if isSlashCommand is false, the bot will only accept commands prefixed with the bot prefix and "mentions" calls only, for this command.

Here is a simple example of a ping command:

const { Command } = require('unicorn-discord-bot');

const ping = new Command({
  command: 'ping',
  description: 'Replies with pong!',
  handler: async (interaction) => {
    await interaction.reply({ content: 'pong!', ephemeral: true });

module.exports = ping.me;

Buttons handling

Each command can declare a buttons handler. This handler will be called when the user clicks on a button in the command's message. To do so, you need to add the buttonsHandler option to the command.


This bot is able to join a vocal channel and play sounds into it. To do so, you can import the SoundManager class and use it to create a sound manager. This implementation can natively play webm formatted files.

Here is an example of a play sound command using the sound manager:

const { Command, SoundManager } = require('unicorn-discord-bot');
const { join } = require('path');

const defaultVolumes = {
  campfire: 0.3,
  cave: 0.1,
  epicCombat: 0.08,
  hive: 0.08,
  magicForest: 0.2,
  nobleParty: 0.05,
  ritual: 0.035,
  riverside: 0.08,
  antre: 0.03,
const filesDirPath = join(__dirname, 'dnd', 'ambiances');

const soundManagerOptions = {
  channelName: 'DnD',

let soundManager;

const getSoundManager = async (interaction) => {
  if (!soundManager) {
    soundManager = new SoundManager({ ...soundManagerOptions, interaction });
    await soundManager.init();

const handler = async (interaction) => {
  await getSoundManager(interaction);
  await interaction.reply({ content: 'Quel son jouer ?', components: await soundManager.menu() });

const buttonHandler = async (interaction) => {
  if (interaction.customId.lastIndexOf('playsound-', 0) !== 0) {
    return 0;

  const soundName = interaction.customId.replace(/^(playsound-)/, '');

  await getSoundManager(interaction);

  try {
    await soundManager.playOrStop(interaction, soundName);
  } catch (error) {

  return 1;

const playsound = new Command({
  command: 'playsound',
  description: 'play a sound in a voice channel',
  requiredRoles: ['GM'],
  requiredRolesErrorMessage: 'https://c.tenor.com/nw2rtAIe1UQAAAAd/power-lord-of-the-rings.gif',

module.exports = playsound.me;