0.4.1 • Published 2 years ago

unicrypt-locker-test v0.4.1

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2 years ago

NPM package


  • mint -- SPL token address. It's the address of token (or mint) itself.
  • SPL token account -- SPL token account address. It's the address of concrete wallet with some SPL tokens.
# address of some token account
$  spl-token account-info --address 3JAXHLUKqwnDHSaB3eJ5LgtzwRZWD8pDH4s7pqVcMnCe

Address: 3JAXHLUKqwnDHSaB3eJ5LgtzwRZWD8pDH4s7pqVcMnCe # <-- this is token account
Balance: 100
Mint: 7Sh6EPaEuMrd1Acrdb5MRF3Kf4aA6N329FmJeFJbcogy # <-- this is mint
Owner: 9VL5TQfvHsSdCSQdLDWEvTUfUbLdUr8qH2AUsWpU9C4o
State: Initialized
Delegation: (not set)
Close authority: (not set)

Provider and Client setup

// there are packages for vue etc
import { useWallet } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react';
// this is our client package
import * as locker from 'unicrypt-locker';

// ask user to connect some wallet (Phantom or something else)
const wallet = useWallet();

function getProvider() {
  const opts = {
    preflightCommitment: "processed",
  // change it to https://api.devnet.solana.com to connect
  // to devnet and so on
  const network = "";
  const connection = new Connection(network, opts.preflightCommitment);

  // using provided wallet
  const provider = new Provider(
      connection, wallet, opts.preflightCommitment
  return provider;

const provider = getProvider();
// we want to connect to token locker program on devnet
// you can use locker.LP_LOCKER to connect to lp locker program
const client = new locker.Client(provider, locker.TOKEN_LOCKER, locker.DEVNET);

Create Locker

const creator = provider.wallet.publicKey;

await client.createLocker({
    // Date.now() returns timestamp in milliseconds
    // but we need the value in seconds
    unlockDate: new anchor.BN(Date.now() / 1000 + 20),
    countryCode: "RU",
    startEmission: null,
    amount: new anchor.BN(10000),
    owner: creator,
    fundingWalletAuthority: creator,
    feeInSol: true,

client.createLocker(args) -- creates locker with specified amount and unlock date. Returns the address of newly created locker.

If you use LP locker, you can use only accepted tokens. You can check if token is accepted by calling method isTokenAccepted(mint).

  • args:
    // Unix timestamp (seconds!) of type anchor.BN.
    // 2 letter country code ("RU", "UK" etc).
    // List of codes in the repo -- Country List.csv
    // Unix timestamp in seconds of type anchor.BN *or* null.
    // Setting this value allows the users to withdraw funds before
    // unlock date linearly.
    // LP locker should always have null -- program will fail if there's some value.
    // Amount to lock of type anchor.BN. There will be fee if:
    // * you use LP locker;
    // * you use Token locker and the mint is not whitelisted. You can check
    //   if the mint is whitelisted by calling method `client.isMintWhitelisted(mint)`.
    // `anchor.web3.PublicKey` of creator of this locker. It should be
    // a signer too, so it's preferrable to use `provider.wallet.publicKey`.
    // `anchor.web3.PublicKey` of locker owner. It can be anyone, so it's
    // not required for creator and owner to be the same account.
    // The signature of owner is not required too.
    // `provider.wallet.publicKey` as `owner` is the simplest case.
    // `anchor.web3.PublicKey` of funding wallet owner.
    // It should sign the transaction, so it's better to use
    // `provider.wallet.publicKey`.
    // `anchor.web.PublicKey` of SPL token account from which
    // the locker will be funded. The amount of tokens you
    // specified earlier will be transferred from this account
    // to some program-controlled vault.
    // `boolean`: if true then fee is paid in SOL,
    // else paid in locked token.
    // If token is already whitelisted it's better to set this to true
    // to avoid any fees.

Get Lockers

client.getLockers() -- returns created lockers. client.getLockersOwnerBy(owner) -- returns lockers owned by specific account.

  • owner -- account public key


client.relock(unlockDate) -- relocks the locker to some date that should be later than the original one.

  • unlockDate -- new unlock date:
    • should be later than original one;
    • type is anchor.BN;
    • unix timestamp in seconds!

Transfer Ownership

client.transferOwnership(args) -- transfer the ownership of specified locker to someone else.

  • args:
    // Locker account as returned from `getLockers`.
    // `anchor.web3.PublicKey` of a new owner.

Increment Lock

client.incrementLock(args) -- add more tokens to locker. It's cheaper than creation new locker.

  • args:
    // Locker account as returned from `getLockers`.
    // Amount to lock as `anchor.BN`.
    // `anchor.web3.PublicKey` of funding wallet owner.
    // It should sign the transaction, so it's better to use
    // `provider.wallet.publicKey`.
    // `anchor.web.PublicKey` of SPL token account from which
    // the locker will be funded. The amount of tokens you
    // specified earlier will be transferred from this account
    // to some program-controlled vault.

Withdraw Funds

client.withdrawFunds(args) -- withdraw the funds from locker. Returns resulting targetWallet (associated or original).

If there's startEmission specified, you can withdraw funds linearly in the period from startEmission to unlockDate -- it's called linear emission.

If there's no linear emission available, you should wait till the unlockDate.

There's NO linear emission for LP lockers.

  • args:
    // Amount to withdraw as `anchor.BN`.
    // Locker account as returned from `getLockers`.
    // `boolean`. Flag specified if the transaction should use associated token
    // account if it's exists (or create the one if it's not).
    // If set to `true`, `targetWallet` should be ordinary account public key
    // (for example, `provider.wallet.publicKey`).
    // If set to `false`, `targetWallet` should be an SPL token account. In this
    // case no associated token account will be created. It's useful if the user
    // already has some token account.
    // `anchor.web.PublicKey` of a wallet to transfer tokens to.
    // If `createAssociated` is set to `true`, then associated SPL token account
    // will be created for this ordinary Solana account.
    // If `createAssociated` set to `false`, it should be SPL token account.

Split the Locker

client.splitLocker(args) -- splits the locker into two parts.

  • args:
    // Amount to deposit in a new locker as `anchor.BN`.
    // Locker account as returned from `getLockers`.
    // `anchor.web.PublicKey` of a new owner.

Close locker (for tests only!)


  • args:
    // Locker account as returned from `getLockers`.
    // `anchor.web.PublicKey` of a wallet to transfer tokens to.
    // Should be an SPL token account!

Check if token is already whitelisted

client.isMintWhitelisted(mint) -- if the mint is whitelisted, it's possible to create new lockers without any fees.

  • mint -- SPL token anchor.web.PublicKey

Returns simple boolean.

Find vault authority address

client.vaultAuthorityAddress(locker) -- returns vault authority for given locker.

  • locker -- as returned from getLockers.

Check if token is accepted

client.isTokenAccepted(mint) -- returns a boolean that indicates it the token is possible to lock. Always returns true for token locker.

  • mint -- SPL token address.

2 years ago


2 years ago