1.1.4 • Published 4 years ago

unified-doc-parse-code-block v1.1.4

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Last release
4 years ago


unified-doc parser to parse content into a hast tree with a single code block node i.e. <pre><code>{content}</code></pre>.


npm install unified-doc-parse-code-block


import codeBlock from "unified-doc-parse-code-block";
import unified from "unified";

const content = `
var hello = "hi";

var world = "earth";

const processor = unified()
  .use(codeBlock, { language: 'js' });

  type: 'root',
  children: [
      type: 'element',
      tagName: 'pre',
      position: {
        start: {
          column: 1,
          line: 1,
          offset: 0,
        end: {
          column: 1,
          line: 5,
          offset: 41,
      properties: {
        className: 'language-js',
      children: [
          type: 'element',
          tagName: 'code',
          position: {
            start: {
              column: 1,
              line: 1,
              offset: 0,
            end: {
              column: 1,
              line: 5,
              offset: 41,
          properties: {
            className: 'language-js',
          children: [
              type: 'text',
              value: '\nvar hello = "hi";\n\nvar world = "earth";\n',
              position: {
                start: {
                  column: 1,
                  line: 1,
                  offset: 0,
                end: {
                  column: 1,
                  line: 5,
                  offset: 41,
  position: {
    start: {
      column: 1,
      line: 1,
      offset: 0,
    end: {
      column: 1,
      line: 5,
      offset: 41,


unified().use(content[, options])

hast parser to parse content into a single code block node i.e. <pre><code>{content}</code></pre>.

Use the parser with any unified processor. Note that this plugin can be conveniently used with various rehype syntax highlighting plugins (e.g rehype-higlight or rehype-prism) to further tokenize code block content for highlighting using stylesheets in the corresponding ecosystems.


import highlight from 'rehype-highlight';
import codeBlock from "unified-doc-parse-code-block";
import unified from "unified";

const content = `
var hello = "hi";

var world = "earth";

  .use(codeBlock, { language: 'js' })

// apply relevant highlight.js to the rendered content


interface Options {
  /** code language attached as a semantic className on the <code /> node */
  language?: string;

When the language option is provided, attach the equivalent language to the CSS class name of the pre and code nodes. Note that this is recommended by the HTML 5 spec to semantically inform the language of the computer code that is being marked up. It is also used as an identifier for syntax highlighting libraries (e.g. highlight.js or prism.js) to highlight code content.