1.0.3 • Published 7 months ago

unigov-sim v1.0.3

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Last release
7 months ago

Unigov-Sim: Proposal Simulation Tool

Unigov-Sim is a one-stop app to simulate the outcomes of proposals before submitting them to Governor Bravo implementation. We provide a smooth interface, along with automated ABI parsing for target contracts and type checking for functions supported.

Quick Start


  • Node 18+ ( install nvm and then run nvm use --lts to uprade to node 18.)
  • Npm 8+

To get started, utilize this quick one-liner setup:

npx create unigov-sim@latest

Follow the steps to add your API keys and Governance contract address to get started.


  • Intuitive UI: Navigate through multiple steps with ease, back and forth, make edits to your proposals without losing state.
  • Smart Error Handling: It verifies your account is connected and has enough votes to submit the proposal.
  • Dynamic ABI Parsing and Input Typings: Parse and display the functions for verified target contracts.
  • Enhanced Simulation: Simulate the outcome of your proposal and visualize state changes and events triggered on chain.

