2.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

unimodel-crud-routes v2.0.1

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4 years ago

Unimodel CRUD Access Routes

This library registers routes with a yaar application for CRUD on unimodel models. These routes provide permissions evaluation, input validation, result formatting, etc. This library also provides a wrapper on top of unimodel models that allow for permissions evaluation in a user context without calling a route. This wrapper is not documented here; instead, check the yuidoc comments.

Registering Routes

const { ModelAccessWrapper, ModelAccessRoutes } = require('unimodel-crud-routes');
const { APIRouter } = require('yaar');
const express = require('express');

const router = new APIRouter();
const app = express();

const myModelWrapper = new ModelAccessWrapper({
	model: MyModel
const myModelRoutes = new ModelAccessRoutes(myModelWrapper, router, {
	// Note: myAuthMiddleware is a function(ctx) that is expected to add `ctx.auth.permissions`
	extraMiddleware: [ myAuthMiddleware ]

The ModelAccessWrapper takes the following options:

  • model: The model to wrap.
  • keys: An array of field paths that represent required key fields. If not supplied, this is determined by scanning the schema for any field marked with { key: true }, just like in SchemaModel#getKeys() .
  • serialize: This is a function that converts a result document into the data sent to the client. It's in the form: function(doc, params). The default for this is: function(doc) { return objtools.deepCopy(doc.getData()); }
  • permissionsTarget: The string used for the target value of permissions. This defaults to model.getName() .

The ModelAccessRoutes takes the following options:

  • routePrefix: The prefix to use for routes. By default, this is the lowercased-and-hyphenated version of model.getName() . So, if your model name is ItemPrices, the route prefix will default to "item-prices." .
  • extraMiddleware: This is an array of middleware functions for yaar. These middleware functions are run after parameter validation, but before any processing. There is expected to be at least one middleware here that sets ctx.auth.permissions for permissions evaluation.
  • extraParams: This is an array of extra parameters that the API calls accept and are passed through to the various unimodel functions. It is a common-schema-style object. For example, if you wanted to allow passing a parameter called engine through to find(), you could set extraParams to { engine: { type: String, default: 'mongo' } } .

Route Syntax

The following routes are registered:


The get route (ie, item-prices.get) fetches a single item. It takes the following parameters:

  • keys: An object containing each of the key fields of the object to get. Ie, if the object has a key called id, this could be: { keys: { id: 'foo' } }
  • fields: An array of field paths to return. Defaults to every field.

It returns a result like this:

	result: <Object>


Query and fetch multiple items. It takes the following parameters:

  • query: The common-query query.
  • fields
  • sort: An array of field paths to sort by. Fields can be prefixed with - to reverse order.
  • skip: Number of items to skip before returning anything.
  • limit: Maximum number of items to return.

It returns a result like this:

	results: [
		{ <Object 1> },
		{ <Object 2> }


Bulk, streaming export of data. It takes the following parameters:

  • query
  • fields
  • sort

The result is not a standard API result. Instead, it's a stream of newline-separated JSON objects, where each object is a result. The very last line returned will be one of: { success: true } or { success: false, error: { code: 'foo', message: 'bar' } }


Return a count of matching documents. It takes the following parameters:

  • query

The result looks like:

	result: 5


Perform common-query aggregates on the data. It takes the following parameters:

  • query
  • aggregates: A map from aggregate names to common-query aggregate specs.
  • sort
  • limit
  • scanLimit: Max number of documents to scan for the aggregate.

The result looks like:

	results: {
		<AggregateName>: {
			/* Aggregate Results */


Insert or replace a single object. It takes the following parameters:

  • data: Object data to insert or replace.

The result is always { success: true } .


Update multiple records at once. It takes the following parameters:

  • query
  • update: Common-query update expression.
  • upsert: If set to boolean true, and query matches nothing, a new document is inserted instead.

The result is always { success: true } .


Remove multiple records at once. It takes the following parameters:

  • query

The result is always { success: true } .


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