0.3.1 • Published 4 months ago
unocss-preset-animate v0.3.1
Unocss preset ships animate.css.
npm i unocss-preset-animate -D
yarn add unocss-preset-animate -D
pnpm add unocss-preset-animate -D
use presetAnimate
in your {uno,unocss}.config.{js,ts}
import { defineConfig } from 'unocss'
import { presetAnimate } from 'unocss-preset-animate'
export default defineConfig({
presets: [presetAnimate()],
<div class="w-100px h-100px bg-red animated animate-infinate animation-heart-beat"></div>
export interface PresetAnimateOptions {
* css variables prefix
* @default 'un-animate-'
variablePrefix?: string
* use builtin css variables, provide manually if set to `false`
* @default true
preflight?: boolean
* inject media query rule to disable animation for print and `prefers-reduced-motion`
* @default true
injectMediaQuery?: boolean
* user custom animations
* @default []
extendAnimations?: Animation[]
See src/types for detail.
See src/animations for custom animations examples.
export interface AnimationObject {
* animationName
name: string
* extra animation style e.g. `transform-origin`
extraStyle?: string
* keyframes content
keyframes: string
export type AnimationCreator = (options: PresetAnimateOptions) => AnimationObject
export type Animation = AnimationObject | AnimationCreator
core selector
animate-duration-<float_number> | animate-{faster,fast,slow,slower}
customize animation-duration
based on var(--un-animate-duration)
animate-repeat-<integer_number> | animate-infinate
customize animation-iteration-count
based on var(--un-animate-repeat)
customize animation-delay
based on var(--un-animate-delay)
All animation from animate.css are supported.
Just use add the class animation-<animation-name-in-kekab-case>
to element.
e.g. animation-rubber-band
, animation-jack-in-the-box
- bounce
- flash
- headShake
- heartBeat
- jello
- pulse
- rubberBand
- shake
- shakeX
- shakeY
- swing
- tada
- wobble
- backInDown
- backInLeft
- backInRight
- backInUp
- backOutDown
- backOutLeft
- backOutRight
- backOutUp
- bounceIn
- bounceInDown
- bounceInLeft
- bounceInRight
- bounceInUp
- bounceOut
- bounceOutDown
- bounceOutLeft
- bounceInRight
- bounceOutUp
- fadeIn
- fadeInDown
- fadeInDownBig
- fadeInLeft
- fadeInLeftBig
- fadeInRight
- fadeInRightBig
- fadeInRightUp
- fadeInRightUpBig
- fadeInTopLeft
- fadeInTopRight
- fadeInBottomLeft
- fadeInBottomRight
- fadeOut
- fadeOutDown
- fadeOutDownBig
- fadeOutLeft
- fadeOutLeftBig
- fadeOutRight
- fadeOutRightBig
- fadeOutUp
- fadeOutUpBig
- fadeOutTopLeft
- fadeOutTopRight
- fadeOutBottomLeft
- fadeOutBottomRight
- flip
- flipInX
- flipInY
- flipOutX
- flipOutY
- lightSpeedInLeft
- lightSpeedInRight
- lightSpeedOutLeft
- lightSpeedOutRight
- rotateIn
- rotateInDownLeft
- rotateInDownRight
- rotateInUpLeft
- rotateInUpRight
- rotateOut
- rotateOutDownLeft
- rotateOutDownRight
- rotateOutUpLeft
- rotateOutUpRight
- hinge
- jackInTheBox
- rollIn
- rollOut
- zoomIn
- zoomInDown
- zoomInLeft
- zoomInRight
- zoomInUp
- zoomOut
- zoomOutDown
- zoomOutLeft
- zoomOutRight
- zoomOutUp
- slideInDown
- slideInLeft
- slideInRight
- slideInUp
- slideOutDown
- slideOutLeft
- slideOutRight
- slideOutUp